September Update

3 min readSep 15, 2020


Dear Community,

We hope you and your family members are in good health.

During these times, many of us are faced with challenges as we feel the continued impact of COVID-19. However, we believe that amid difficulty often lies opportunity, and this is how we at Blockreal are surging forward. We are committed to the opportunity: the chance to develop our product offerings, to enhance our development, and to better support our Community.

ASEAN countries continue to remain closed as we face the global second wave of the pandemic. We could say that of COVID-19 and its impact felt by many people, businesses, and industries. Yet we cannot stop change, but we can adapt. That is what Blockreal has, and continues to do as we develop our new path and scale our business.

It is predicted that the future of vacations will be very different from what we have previously known. With a world that has been cooped up now for the majority of 2020, people are taking stock of what matters and longing for a change of scenery when considering their next holiday spot. They want the freedom of large landscapes, the joy of adventure, and the peace and stillness of nature.

Koh Samui


Due to the global pandemic, the construction sites of the opportunities under construction have been temporarily put on hold or continue cautiously and slowly. Our company´s partners have put in place measures to control the construction sites; a team of security members is in place at all buildings and landbank plots worldwide for maintenance purposes and to protect the company assets and ongoing work. Their engineering and maintenance team is also continuously visiting all sites to ensure that the construction and projects are maintained.

The monthly payments continue on hold from our partners to maintain the cash flows of their companies. Our investment team is in close contact with them, monitoring the evolution and the situation of our assets in both Bangkok and Phuket. The managers of the assets are committed to boosting the sales to get the monthly returns as soon as possible.

Thai classical dance

During a public forum held late last week in Bangkok, Thailand’s Minister of Tourism, Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, said the country is aiming to allow foreign tourists to enter the country through a program dubbed “Safe and Sealed.”

“I also have requested to use Phuket as a pilot model … and have received approval from the Center for Economic Situation Administration.,” the minister said.

We stay confident about the recovery of Thailand´s tourism, taking advantage of the winter season in China and western countries and the desire to travel once again.

Finally, we propose you to check our new opportunity on, which we are sure will be to the liking of investors.

All the best, stay safe.

Blockreal Team




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