Why Has Nobody But Me Thought to Interview a Trump Supporter?

Tom Hunter
4 min readJul 17, 2019


“Rural America” by BeerAndLoathing

Since Donald Trump burst onto the political scene in 2015 with his populist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim message those of us in the media have grappled with the impossible question, what it is about this man, with his populist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim message, that appeals to so many Americans? Maybe we’ll never know, but we need to be brave enough to ask. That’s why I’m helping Trump activist David Burgess cut holes into white sheets at his Missouri home.

Burgess is 65-years-old and a lifelong Republican. He is proud of his country and proud of his president. The white sheets are for an event later that night. He and his buddies like to get together and shoot the breeze. “It’s just a group of like-minded people coming together in a field to share our views. Ain’t no harm in it”.

On this balmy summer’s evening we sit and sip a beer (they have Pabst here in Missouri!) and carefully cut neat holes into the stiff linen sheets. David re-enforces the holes in the sheet with some deft needlework. I’m struck by how much he is challenging my assumptions. This Confederate-supporting pensioner with such great sewing skills.

I venture a question. “Why Trump?”

David smiles and nods. He has been expecting this. “It’s simple really. Trump is anti-establishment. He shows he cares about rural America and is going to make this country great again. He’s great with the economy because he’s a businessman. He’s going to help us make this a white ethnostate and, I guess, he just tells it like it is”.

Listening to David talk, with his gently regional accent and his taste in the best of Americana fashion, makes me wonder if we — the media elite — have got Trump supporters wrong?

David expands on his point, “You see Trump gets it. He knows we’re fine people. He knows we’re different from these other people. You know who I mean by other people? People who are different to us? You understand? People who should stick to their own kind? You understand what I’m saying now?”

Of course I understand. Democrats, his bête noire. His dislike for them is palpable. Frequently he scornfully mentions “Obama and his kind”. Throughout our conversation he dismisses the achievements of prominent Democrats such as Corey Brooker, Kamala Harris and Jesse Jackson.

I ask David if the Democrats could do more to win over ordinary Americans? “Oh sure they could, they could get rid of people like Carol Moseley Braun, Roland Burris and Mo Cowan”. His deep knowledge of obscure Democratic senators is impressive. I’ve underestimated this man, this patriot.

When we finish with the sheets it’s time for a tour of the house. David’s home is decorated with lots of memorabilia from World War II. It’s an impressive collection. It goes against my assumption that a hardened Trump supporter would not be interested in world history, or fluent in German. I’ve underestimated this man, this historian, this linguist.

David points to a photo of a group of Nazi soldiers relaxing at a pool. “We can learn from history. Next time it will be different. Next time there will a different result. Again, do you understand what I’m saying here?”

I hear him loud and clear. He clearly doesn’t want another Holocaust. Would that all people had David’s passion. I’ve underestimated this man, this opponent of genocide.

As he walks me out to my car I thank him for his hospitality, it has taken me aback. I explain that I’m not used to this basic decency in New York. David nods, “well you know what New York is full of?” he says with a wink. David never misses a chance to dunk on the Democrats!

I drive away full of optimism. We in the media have been quick to judge Trump supporters, eager to paint them in broad strokes. But this one short, positive encounter with a single Trump supporter should encourage everyone who works in news to change their minds about all Trump supporters. But will they be brave enough to read what I was brave enough to write?

For the remainder of the 2020 presidential election campaign, I will be traveling across the United States talking to real people about real issues.

Previous entries in my series:
To Understand the 2020 Election You Need to Understand Steve
Ol’ Mayor Jenkins and a Dead Deer Help Explain America

