Dvid Segura Coto
3 min readJun 1, 2017


One of the key questions Steve Jobs took as a base line to his well orchestrated 1997 introduction of the Think Different commercial and everything that meant to Apple as a company and as the identity of the once garage company he made was: “where do we fit in this world?”. It can sometimes be a scary or philosophically challenging question… but even further to ask that question to a company is truly a defiance . This Blog is an extremely personal and therefore biased compendium of opinion about Apple, it’s late founder Steve Jobs and it’s products. My plan is to try and keep it in the margins of that theme because:

1. I am an Apple freak and hope to be one the rest of my life. So through this i hope to become a bigger and better (more knowledgeable) Apple freak.

2. Steve Jobs is my life hero (yes I wrote that plain and straight forward).

3. I love Apple and I enjoy writing so hopefully the combination will reach someone and/or help me express my opinion more intelligibly in my crazy dream to someday actually become a writer (not sure for whom or about what, don’t ask don’t tell).

Basically I will be writing once a month (however short or long) about either Apple being amazing, Steve Jobs being amazing, my crazy writing dream or all of them together. So here we go:

PS. and warning: my addiction to music (percussionist for more than 10 years) might come through now and again.

this image is from 2017, the post itself is from 2015

Former Vice President of the United States of America Al Gore spoke at the Memorial Event of Apple for Steve Jobs and made a brilliant liaison between technology made by Apple and love. Who in the world would be crazy enough to compare and/or marry technology with beauty, love? … Wait I know… Steve Jobs was that kind of crazy person! He truly believed that technology for the sake of technology was not the reason Apple had developed into Windows or Microsoft or IBM ‘s main competitor. The reason was that technology married with liberal arts and beauty could go beyond a “company that makes boxes so that people can get their work done”… And so it did. It created a group of consumers, customers, apple lovers, apple freaks, or whatever you may want to call us (that was a smooth way to include myself). These people don’t see their technology as a box that helps us get our jobs done; it’s not an iPod, it’s my device which manages emotions through music; it’s not an iPhone, it’s a device reflecting my personality and personal life; it’s not an iPad, it’s a personal content empathic device; it’s not a Mac, it’s my life hub; and finally it’s not a watch, it’s a life intensity expansion device (yet to be proven… Sorry don’t have it yet)

These are the premises basic to my life and my blog; to my love and my passion. This is supposed to be the result of the search to find the professional on knowledge about something i’m passionate about life career (completely different to job). I hope to become someone on this world whose opinion matters greatly to whatever extent is necessary to be happy or accomplished (sorry about the personal summary).

It all starts with and ends with this quote from the famous apple commercial: this is what i believe in through technology, music, passion, love and the universe.

“it’s people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world… Are the ones who do.”

Here’s the Ad with Jobs as the narrating voice:



Dvid Segura Coto

Love , music, movies, and so much more :) also check out my podcast The AppleWorm Podcast on iTunes and PodOmatic // social media @dvd19931