I identify as Micheal Jackson. And my pronouns are (HE/HEE)

Darth Calrissian Battousai
3 min readJan 29, 2024


I identify as Micheal Jackson. And my pronouns are (HE/HEE). Of course I’m joking. But seriously, according to Neely Fuller Jr and his book about counter racial science.

The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept Textbook: A Compensatory Counter-Racist Code said that their only three racial categories that really count. White/ Non White/ and White Supremacist. Neely can be a bit extreme but I follow this logic.

Because terms like Black or African alone does not describe me or my people. Black is a color. And most so called Blacks are brown. Like me. And African was a term a white roman name Scipio Africanus a Roman general bestowed on the continent of Alkebulan. Scipio Africanus the white man who defeated General Hannibal Barca in the Second Punic War (218–201 BCE).

Foundational Black American (FBA) is a term coined by author and film maker Tariq Nasheed. According to Tariq Nasheed FBA is defined as “Foundational Black Americans are the descendants of the Black people who survived one the greatest atrocities in recorded history-American slavery. FBA are the descendants of the Black people who built the United States from scratch. But this history did not start in 1619. The history of FBA started almost 100 years earlier.”

Tariq Nasheed can be a bit extreme but I follow this logic also. I heard people from other countries respond to FBA by saying why y’all wanna be delineating now. It’s because all other groups delineate. I’m Spanish and hears my flag. I’m Dominican and hears my flag. I’m Zimbabwean and hears my flag. I’m French or British and hears my flag. I hear groups cry out online and at events. And this is why Tariq Nasheed delineate FBA. And for the reason that you “Can’t remix it”.

I myself have had many labels threw out my lifetime. But nowadays I consider El to be a mix. El is a cross of both. Non White and Foundational Black American. And like my grandfather and Neely Fuller Jr we are soldiers of the US Army. And Veterans of the United States of America. Foundational, Non White and Veteran. Sith/Jedi. Darth Calrissian Battousai. lol.



Darth Calrissian Battousai

Has mastered both sides of the force... “I’m Looking Forward to Completing Your Training. In Time"