Real Brave
2 min readJul 10, 2023

Are you ready to embark on a melodious journey and unlock the secrets of the piano? 🤔

Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience under your belt, this ultimate guide is here to help you take your piano skills to the next level. So, let’s discover the wonderful world of piano playing! 🎵

1. Get to Know Your Instrument 🎹

Before you start tickling the ivories, take some time to familiarize yourself with the piano. Understand the layout of the keys, the pedals, and the different parts of the instrument. Knowing your piano inside and out will help you develop a deeper connection with it.

2. Learn the Basics 🎶

Start by learning the basics of music theory. Get comfortable with reading sheet music, understanding musical notations, and grasping the fundamentals of rhythm. Don’t worry if it seems overwhelming at first; with practice, it’ll become second nature.

3. Find a Great Teacher 🎵

Having a skilled and supportive teacher can make a world of difference in your piano journey. They can guide you, provide valuable feedback, and help you progress faster. Look for a teacher who resonates with your learning style and goals.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice 🎹

Practice is the key to mastering any instrument, and the piano is no exception. Set aside dedicated practice time each day and stick to it. Remember, consistency is more important than duration. Even short, focused practice sessions can yield impressive results.

5. Start with Simple Songs 🎶

Begin with easy songs that match your skill level. This will build your confidence and keep you motivated. As you gain proficiency, gradually challenge yourself with more complex pieces. Don’t shy away from experimenting and exploring different genres.

6. Master Proper Techniques ✋

Developing correct hand positioning and finger technique is crucial for playing the piano efficiently. Make sure to maintain a relaxed posture, use proper finger placement, and focus on precision and control. Warm-up exercises can also help improve dexterity and flexibility.

Real Brave

Daniel Powers is the founder of Real Brave, an online music school for 1-1 lessons, progress tracking & guaranteed progress for people that like to learn online