good juju

1 min readJun 21, 2018

Teachers deal with a lot of obstacles to providing a great education.

They are paid or treated particularly well.

They encounter emotional baggage associated with abuse/neglect to school.

They must deal with learning disorders that vary greatly.

They receive inadequate resources and training much of the time.

We’d need a library of books to fully unpack all these issues. They are multi-faceted and complex.

My intention is not to oversimplify the plight our teachers face…but…if we are able to design school to be a place where kids want to go [as opposed to a place where they are bored, bullied or banished to work that doesn’t excite them] do a lot of the other problems become more manageable?

Teacher pay might increase as students want to spend more time at school and/or there are better outcomes for legislators/advocates to point to.

School would become a safe place where abuse is reported and treated.

Student driven work would free up teacher time for training.

What do you think?




Beehive Sport and Social Club, CoolCats & AssHats, Toilet Tag; A Maker and Designer of a Funner Future