Who is Pierre Poilievre? Canada’s prospective Prime Minister

The Moral Grey
10 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo from: @PierrePoilievre on X

As Justin Trudeau’s popularity continues to plummet down the toilet just as fast as Canada’s global reputation, one party leader has risen up to challenge nearly a decade of Liberal power.

The man in question, Conservative party leader Pierre Poilievre, has become a controversial figure for many on the progressive left, but most of Canada would have no idea why. In fact, there are many politically unengaged Canadians who likely have no or little idea of who Pierre Poilievre actually is, hence this article.

It’s time to cut through the lies of progressives and show exactly what Poilievre has made clear he’d like to do up to the point of the writing of this article.

This piece is organized into a background on Pierre Poilievre, followed by some of the high-profile controversies he’s faced in his career, before examining his political stances on a variety of topics that are on the minds of the average Canadian.

Pierre Poilievre:

Photo from: @PierrePoilievre on X

Raised out West in Calgary, Alberta, Poilievre would earn a degree in international relations before finding his political home within the Ottawa region. He is currently serving as a member of parliament, or, as we Canadians call it, an MP, in what is now known as the riding of Carleton, a riding that he won from Liberal party incumbent David Pratt.

While many may be hearing Poilievre’s name for the first time in recent years, he has been a key figure in Canadian politics for quite a while, having previously served under former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper as the minister for democratic reform for two years before being positioned as the minister of employment and social development.

He would later take on the role of a shadow minister (a title given to opposition party members who are a part of the government in power), also referred to as an opposition critic, specifically as the minister of finance.

It is his lengthy track record in the party, skill navigating political spaces, ability to attack his opponents with clever and impactful language (especially in relation to the Liberal party WE Charity Scandal), and a variety of excellent moments during House of Commons debates skyrocketed him to prominence and made him a key figure that could topple Trudeau’s Liberal regime.


Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

While all of that background may make Poilievre sound impressive, and he is, that does not mean his career has been free of slip-ups.

Political Positions:

Photo from: @PierrePoilievre on X

The most common words used by journalists and pundits alike to describe Poilievre are libertarian and populist, and a good argument can be made in both cases. This is a collection of positions that can be understood through direct comment or inferred through other statements Poilievre has made over the years.

Foreign Policy:

Social Issues:

Free speech is a big deal to Poilievre.

Issues related to both reproductive health and the LGBTQ+ community are also often top of mind for Canadians.


Many are quick to label Conservatives as the type who are against the environment or outright deny things like climate change, and, anecdotally, there are many who claim that Poilievre is just another climate denier, citing the fact that he wants to get rid of the carbon tax.


The many who would designate Poilievre as some kind of xenophobe would also be incorrect.


It should already be obvious that Poilievre’s goal is to reduce the cost of living in Canada, and he has indicated a variety of strategies to reign in the government and curb inflation.


Speaking of getting rid of federal buildings in order to build homes, housing might be one of the biggest issues facing Canadians, and luckily, Poilievre is looking to do a lot more for Canadians than Justin Trudeau has over the past decade.

  • Listening to him speak about housing for any length of time will make it clear that he feels bureaucracy is getting in the way of building affordable housing, and as a result, he has come up with a deal to offer provinces the chance to continue receiving funding should they open up and increase housing production by 15%.

Only time will tell how Poilievre plans to handle both internal and foreign investment into the housing market in order to further improve affordability and cut down on housing competition that can drive up prices.


Quickly covering some obvious positions:


Photo from: @PierrePoilievre on X

Pierre Poilievre has been a vocal critic of the Liberal party, as one might expect of the official opposition, but he also strives to make it clear that the NDP are just as much to blame as the Liberals for the current state of Canada. In his eyes, thanks to the agreement between he Liberals and NDPs, the Liberal party is able to continue to to drive up spending while failing to address the concerns of everyday ordinary Canadians.

This very thing may be the reason why the Liberal party recently lost a key by-election in Toronto that saw a Conservative candidate taking control of what was believed to be a Liberal stronghold. This indicates that the Liberals are in for a day of reckoning whenever the next Federal election is called.

The beauty here is that Trudeau is so painfully disliked by his Canadians, and the same is true of anyone who could replace him, that Poilievre essentially has a walk to the finish line.

Does that mean he will take that easy walk instead of a much more rigorous path?

Absolutely not.

If his activity says anything, it’s clear that Poilievre is interested in capitalizing on his momentum, meeting with ordinary Canadians and making it clear that he will be the one to take Canada from a country that people are actively trying to get out of to a country that people can once again lead happy and comfortable lives.

Pierre Poilievre was able to lay out a clear vision for his run as Prime Minister all the way back in 1999 when he was a university student:

“As prime minister, I would relinquish to citizens as much of my social, political, and economic control as possible, leaving people to cultivate their own personal prosperity and to govern their own affairs as directly as possible.”

So who is Pierre Poilievre to me?

Pierre Poilievre is change to something better.

Pierre Poilievre is common sense

Pierre Poilievre is the next Prime Minister of Canada.

