2019: The Year of Giving Back

David Green
3 min readJan 1, 2019


In 2019 it’s gonna be all about sharing and helping others

“What man is a man who does not make the world better?” — Balian of Ibelin

That quote, spoken by a character in Ridley Scott’s Kingdom of Heaven, has stuck with me since I first heard it more than a decade ago. As someone who very early on in life dedicated myself to public service, it resonated as both a summation of my personal philosophy and a challenge — of sorts — to keep my head straight. It’s part of what motivates me to consistently try to do and be better. I’m always striving to learn and grow as a leader, manager, communicator, and public servant in an effort to make the world a better place.

I’ve used a variety of tools over the years (evaluations, workshops, books, mentors, coaches, etc.) but in 2018, for the first time, I participated in a 360 evaluation. For those unfamiliar, a “360” — as they’re known — is a type of evaluation where, in addition to your boss, you ask your subordinates and peers to rate you and provide feedback. Most of the feedback I got was positive but there were certainly areas for improvement. There was one sentiment that stuck with me more than the others though: apparently, people thought I did a poor job of sharing my knowledge and experience to help develop people beyond my immediate team. As someone who takes evaluations and opportunities to be better seriously, I’ve decided to do something about that this year.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill

2019 is going to be my “Year of Giving Back.” I’m going to make a more concerted effort to share what I know and contribute in new and meaningful ways. Some of that will be within my existing professional networks but the real challenge is the make the world a better place. So my aim this year is to get out there and make myself available to others.

We live in an unparalleled time of human history for the transfer of knowledge and the sharing of ideas. The ease with which we are able to communicate is unprecedented. Technology has broken down barriers and allowed us to pass on information in completely new ways. Social media, videos, blog posts, podcasts. There is no shortage of ways to reach people. As someone that has used these platforms consistently for over two decades, it only makes sense I’d leverage the tech to get out the thoughts.

Anyone who has been successful and has knowledge to share is a potential mentor.” — Ory Okolloh

You can learn more about me here but here is the short version. I’m the Principal Media Relations Manager and Spokesperson for the 11th largest city in the United States. I hold a Masters in Human Dimensions of Organizations from the University of Texas. I’ve been in the public sector for more than 20 years and have had the honor and privilege to work for & with some of the world’s best leaders, managers, and communicators. I’ve spent the past two decades learning from the best and in 2019, it’s time to give back.

“Legacy is greater than currency.” — Gary Vaynerchuk

As a quick disclaimer, this isn’t an attempt to make money. I’m not starting a consulting business or trying to become an “influencer” on social media. I’m fairly compensated in my day job. This really is me taking stock of what my goals are in life and what I can contribute to making the world a better place beyond my immediate network. If anything, knowing I made a bit of difference has always been enough to feed my ego.

“The beauty of my journey is that it’s always been pretty unpredictable, so stay tuned.” — Andreja Pejic

If you were to ask me how I got here today I would start by saying, “I got a bus in the mid-1990’s and wound up here.” The key was getting on the bus. It was starting the journey that made all the difference in my life. So, I’d ask you to take the first steps to connect with me. Reach out on any of the platforms below and answer this question: How can I help you in 2019?







David Green

Public Sector Manager, Leader, and Communicator with 20+ years experience. Media Relations Manager for the City of Austin. https://about.me/RealDavidGreen