How to Become Your Clients’ Go-To Real Estate Resource

Clay Byrne
9 min readMar 31, 2023


6 Proven Strategies to Become Your Clients’ Go-To Real Estate Resource

By Clay Byrne

As a real estate agent in Austin, following up with clients and demonstrating your availability to work with them is crucial to building strong relationships and helping them find their dream home. By being proactive and consistent with your communication, you can show your clients that you care about their needs and are committed to providing top-notch services. There are numerous ways to follow up with clients and demonstrate your availability.

  1. Schedule Regular Check-Ins
  2. Send Personalized Messages
  3. Answer Questions
  4. Provide Value
  5. Watch New Listings
  6. Attend Events

In this blog, I’ll explore some of the most effective strategies for following up with clients and building strong relationships in the real estate industry. So, let’s dive in and learn how to show your clients that you’re available and committed to helping them find their ideal home!

Director of Growth, Chris, prepares for a call at the KW Flagship Office. Photo: Byrne Real Estate Group

Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Use a CRM system

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is a software tool that allows you to manage your client interactions, schedule follow-ups, and keep track of your sales activities. You can use a CRM system to set up reminders for when you need to check in with your clients and keep track of your conversations with them. This helps you stay organized and ensures that you don’t miss any opportunities to follow up with your clients.

Schedule Appointments During Initial Meetings

When you meet with a client for the first time, be sure to schedule a follow-up appointment before you leave. This could be a phone call or an in-person meeting, depending on your client’s preference. During this appointment, you can check in with your client, answer any questions they may have, and discuss any new developments in the real estate market that may affect their search for a home. By scheduling appointments during your initial meetings, you demonstrate your commitment to your clients and show that you value their time.

Using a CRM system and scheduling appointments during initial meetings are two effective ways to schedule regular check-ins with clients. By following these strategies, you can build strong relationships with your clients and demonstrate your availability and commitment to helping them find their dream home.

Send Personalized Messages

Reference Previous Conversations

When following up with clients, reference previous conversations you’ve had with them. This could be anything from a particular feature they were looking for in a home to a concern they had about a specific neighborhood. By referencing these conversations, you show that you were actively listening to your clients and that you care about their needs and preferences.

Use Their Name

Addressing your clients by name is a simple yet effective way to personalize your messages. It shows that you are taking the time to address them as an individual, rather than just another client. You can also personalize your messages by including details that are specific to your client’s situation, such as their occupation or interests.

In addition to personalizing your messages, it is also important to use the right communication channel. Some clients may prefer to communicate via email, while others may prefer phone calls or text messages. You should ask your clients which communication channel they prefer and make sure to use it consistently.

Another way to personalize your messages is to tailor them to your clients’ interests. For example, if a client has expressed an interest in a particular neighborhood, you could send them updates on new listings in that area or information about local events. By sending messages that are relevant to your clients’ interests, you demonstrate your knowledge of the local real estate market and show that you are committed to helping them find their dream home.

Referencing previous conversations and using your clients’ names are two effective ways to personalize your messages when following up with clients. By tailoring your messages to their interests and preferences, you can build strong relationships with your clients and demonstrate your availability and commitment to helping them find their ideal home.

Answer Questions

Use Technology

One way to be available to answer questions is to leverage technology. For example, you can use messaging platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger to stay in touch with clients and answer their questions in real-time. You can also use video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype to conduct virtual meetings with clients who are unable to meet in person. Additionally, you can use email to answer questions and provide updates on new listings, market trends, and other relevant information.

Set Clear Communication Expectations

Another way to be available to answer questions is to set clear expectations for communication. You should let your clients know how and when you prefer to be contacted and respond to their messages and calls promptly. By setting clear expectations, you can ensure that your clients know how to reach you when they have questions or concerns.

Moreover, it’s important to establish a sense of trust with your clients. When answering questions, be honest and transparent with your clients, even if it means admitting that you don’t have all the answers. If you don’t know the answer to a question, offer to research it and get back to your client as soon as possible.

Another way to be available to answer questions is to anticipate the questions that clients may have and address them proactively. For example, you could provide a FAQ section on your website or include a list of common questions in your email signature. By addressing common questions upfront, you can save time and demonstrate your expertise and knowledge of the real estate market.

Leveraging technology, setting clear communication expectations, establishing trust, and proactively addressing common questions are all effective ways for a distinguished real estate agent to be available to answer questions from clients. By doing so, you can build strong relationships with your clients and demonstrate your commitment to their needs.

Jannel, Realtor®, attends the team’s weekly sales meeting for market updates. Photo: Byrne Real Estate Group

Provide Value

Create a Blog

Creating a blog is a great way to share valuable information with your clients. You can write about a variety of topics related to the real estate market, such as home buying and selling tips, local market trends, home improvement ideas, and more. By creating content that is relevant and informative, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry and demonstrate your knowledge and expertise to clients.

Share Market Updates

Another way to share valuable resources is to provide regular market updates about the Austin area to your clients. This could include updates on new listings, changes in interest rates, or market trends in specific neighborhoods. By providing timely and relevant information, you can help your clients make informed decisions about their home buying or selling process.

In addition to these strategies, you can also share valuable resources by sending newsletters or emails to your clients. These communications can include information about local events, home buying and selling tips, and other relevant information that your clients may find helpful. You can also share resources on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to reach a wider audience and build your online presence.

To make the most of these strategies, it’s important to ensure that the resources you share are high-quality, accurate, and relevant to your clients’ needs. You should also make sure that you are sharing resources that are tailored to your clients’ interests, preferences, and current stage in the home buying or selling process.

Creating a blog, sharing market updates, sending newsletters or emails, and sharing resources on social media are all effective ways for a distinguished real estate agent in Austin to share valuable and informative resources with clients. By doing so, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry, build trust with your clients, and demonstrate your commitment to providing top-notch services.

Watch New Listings

Personalized Alerts

Offer personalized alerts to clients for new listings that match their specific needs and preferences. This could be based on factors such as the location, price range, number of bedrooms, or any other criteria that your clients are looking for in a home. You can use a CRM system or other technology tools to set up these alerts and notify clients as soon as new listings become available. By offering this service, you demonstrate your knowledge of the local Austin real estate market and show that you are committed to helping your clients find their ideal home.

Schedule Showings

Once new listings become available, offer to schedule showings with your clients. Be flexible with your schedule and make yourself available during evenings and weekends if necessary. During the showing, provide your clients with all the necessary information about the property, such as the asking price, features, and any other relevant details. By providing this information, you can help your clients make informed decisions about whether a property is a good fit for them.

In addition to these strategies, you can also offer to provide virtual tours of new listings for clients who are unable to attend showings in person. This can be done through video conferencing tools like Zoom or FaceTime, and can provide clients with a better sense of the property before they decide to visit in person.

To make the most of these strategies, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest listings and market trends in Austin. You should also make sure that you are familiar with the specific needs and preferences of your clients, so that you can offer personalized recommendations and showings.

Offering personalized alerts and scheduling showings are two effective ways for a distinguished real estate agent to show new listings to clients. By doing so, you can demonstrate your knowledge of the local Austin real estate market, show your availability and commitment to helping your clients find their dream home, and ultimately build strong relationships with your clients.

The team attends the annual RBI Gala, Now at Bat, as a presenting sponsor. Photo: Byrne Real Estate Group

Attend Events

Community Events

It is easy to find events in Austin going on every single weekend. Attend local community events hosted around Austin with your clients to show your support for the community and provide them with an opportunity to get to know the area better. This could include events like festivals, farmers’ markets, or local sports games. By attending these events, you can demonstrate your knowledge of the community and help your clients feel more connected to the Austin area.

Open Houses

Attend open houses with your clients to provide them with a better sense of the local real estate market. During the open house, be available to answer any questions they may have about the property, the neighborhood, or the home buying process in Austin in general. By attending open houses with your clients, you can help them make informed decisions about which properties are the best fit for them.

Another way to attend events with your clients is to organize your own events, such as home buying seminars, home staging workshops, or networking events for local real estate professionals. These events provide your clients with an opportunity to learn more about the home buying process and connect with other professionals in the industry.

To make the most of these strategies, it’s important to stay up-to-date on local events and market trends. You should also make sure that you are familiar with the specific needs and preferences of your clients, so that you can recommend events that are of interest to them.

Attending community events hosted around Austin, open houses, and organizing your own events are all effective ways for a distinguished real estate agent to attend events with their clients. By doing so, you can demonstrate your knowledge of the local real estate market, build strong relationships with your clients, and ultimately help them find their dream home.

Following up with clients and demonstrating your availability to work with them is crucial to building strong relationships and achieving success as a real estate agent in Austin. By implementing the strategies we’ve explored in this blog, you can establish yourself as a trusted and reliable professional in the industry and help your clients find their dream home. Keep following up, keep being available, and keep building those strong relationships!



Clay Byrne

REALTOR | Real Estate Agent in Austin, Texas with 25 years experience. Leader and Owner of Byrne Real Estate Group.