Use Zillow Pre-Foreclosure Leads to Improve Buyer Lead Conversion ROI and Edge Out Your Competition

Pat Hiban
3 min readApr 10, 2017


Have you had terrible luck with Zillow pre-foreclosure leads and aren’t sure where you went wrong? Have you tried nearly everything to improve your return on investment (ROI) for your buyer leads from Zillow with no success? If so, you need to listen closely to what recent guest Jesse Zagorsky has to say about buying leads and maximizing their potential. After all, he managed to achieve a 4.7% ROI for buyer leads in 2016, significantly outperforming the 0.04% average!

In the following sections, we’ll provide some inside information on Jesse’s strategies for maximizing lead ROI for Zillow pre-foreclosure leads. For a more detailed explanation of Jesse’s lead conversion strategies and some additional tips on getting the most out of your purchases from lead aggregators, listen to the complete podcast interview.

The Psychology Driving Zillow Pre-Foreclosure Leads

When it comes to getting a better ROI for buyer leads, it’s not all about metrics and marketing strategy. It’s also about understanding who these consumers are and what they want. If you get inside the mindset of someone looking to buy a home, your chances of success are much, much higher.

For Zillow pre-foreclosure leads, this is especially true. Pre-foreclosure leads shouldn’t be treated the same as other online buyer leads. The reason for this is that the factors driving these consumers’ searches for homes are different. Above all else, the people interested in foreclosures typically want to find a good deal. To maximize your buyer lead conversion rates, you need to play into what these buyers want.

How to Handle the Two Types of Zillow Pre-Foreclosure Leads

Even the greenest agents know that most leads won’t amount to much, but new agents often spend too much time trying to determine whether or not a lead is hot or cold. Jesse has a couple of questions that help him quickly determine whether or not Zillow pre-foreclosure leads are worth pursuing further. The question he asks depends on which of the following lead types he’s dealing with.

Investor leads — When handling an investor, Jesse asks, “In your investment strategy, are you typically looking to buy and flip, or are you looking to buy and hold property?” What the investor says next when answering isn’t the only thing that Jesse considers when determining whether or not to work toward taking this investor on as a client. He wants to know how quickly and confidently the investor can answer this question. If the investor isn’t able to provide a competent answer, they likely aren’t worth pursuing as a client.

Owner-occupant leads — When handling an owner-occupant buyer, Jesse determines whether or not they’re a warm lead by asking, “Are you just looking for this specific home, or are you open to any home in the area that would be a good deal?” By asking this question, Jesse also taps into the deal-driven mindset of these buyers, which is great for lead conversion purposes.

If you want to learn more about these strategies for improving buyer lead conversion ROI, including additional ways to approach various types of buyer leads, be sure to listen to the complete podcast interview with Jesse Zagorsky.

Pat Hiban is the author of NYT best selling book “6 steps to 7 figures — A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Destiny”, founder of Rebus University and the host of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars an Agent to Agent Real Estate Radio Podcast with Hiban Digital in Baltimore, Maryland. Follow him on Facebook or Twitter.



Pat Hiban

Rebus University- The Future of Real Estate Training. Real Estate Rockstars podcast- the best of the best share profit stories. NYT BS — 6 Steps to 7 Figures