Awakening Makes These Things Clear

The Divine Truth

Reyna Park
2 min readDec 9, 2022

My spiritual awakening made these things clear to me:

Photo by Aenami Art.

You can always feel the divine presence. It is always there.

My opportunities and personal power are endless.

I am a perfect human being.

All human beings are perfect in their essence.

I will still make mistakes. But they will not bother me, because I am also God.

I will still have intrusive thoughts

— but now, the goddess in me will notice them, love them, and then see them out the door.

I feel like God if I remember to breathe through my spine, up and down through the chakras.

I need to meditate, do yoga, and exercise routinely.

I have enough energy to make that happen.

I have unlimited energy.

Because power exists, I can touch it and channel it.

I have free will.

I can do anything.

I am worthy of endless love, affection, pleasure, blessings, and abundance.

I do not need attention, validation, or external affirmation.

There is profound beauty in stillness.

I can make changes in my life.

I need to sit in my darkest and most ugly emotions to feel healthy.

I have past lifetimes’ worth of trauma that I am healing.

Relationships in my current lifetime can be with people from previous lifetimes.

I am flawed and vulnerable, but I deserve help and unconditional love.

I can give myself and others unconditional love.

I can respect people for where they are.

Life is perfect.

