The Goldilocks Hack to Manifesting

Too Cold, Too Hot, Just Right

Reyna Park
4 min readJan 7, 2023

I’ve often said that manifesting is easily possible through advanced mindfulness meditation.

Building a strong mindfulness practice is like programming code into your computer saying “I would like xyz out of my life” — and then walking away and letting it run in the background.

You cannot manifest without meditating. This is because the real meaning of “manifesting” is to reprogram your subconscious mind to align with your goals — and because meditation helps you understand your subconscious mind, you will need it to “manifest.”

I’ve also often said that there is no right way to do meditation. This is true. But there IS a correct way to manifest, and it has everything to do with the quality of attention you bring to your meditation.

There are three types of quality of attention.

Is your attention dull, sleepy, tired? 😴

Is your attention overly active, ruminative, or sporadic? 🤯

Is your attention lucid, clear, and focused?

A spectrum for the mind’s qualities of attention. Photo by the author.

This is a classic Goldilocks metaphor — either your quality of attention is too cold and dull, too hot to handle, or just right.

Clearly, we do not want to “check out” on life. A habit of dull attention can separate us from the very essence of our lives. When we distance ourselves from our experiences, we end up in more emotional pain. Flipping that upside down, neither do we want to become so dredged in thought and experience that we see no clear path ahead.

Taking the time to develop a clear, lucid quality of attention during meditation is an essential precursory step to advanced manifesting.

Wait —

I thought you said there is no correct way to meditate?

True! When we meditate, there is only one goal: to bring our attention back to the object of concentration every time it slips. Even noticing that you are not focused on the object of concentration is an act of mindfulness, and this is why there is no correct way to meditate.

But when we want to use meditation to manifest our goals, the quality of attention we bring to our mindfulness is crucial. Building a foundation of lucid attention is key to becoming more familiar with your subconscious programming.

It can be helpful to spend a meditation session becoming aware of what dull, hyperactive, and lucid feel like for you. This will help you become familiar with those states of attention, and thus give you more dexterity in navigating them.

Lucid attention feels clear and alert.

Posture has a large effect on our quality of attention — you may want to spend a few meditation sessions focused on sitting upright so that your spine is not compressed and can move freely. Many practitioners recommend that the eyes be cast down at a 45 degree angle, open or closed, and that the chin is slightly lifted up.

Once you have a lucid grip on your subconscious patterns, you can interrupt those patterns and reprogram.

It’s difficult to even identify our subconscious patterns if the quality of awareness we bring to our daily lives slips in and out of dullness or hyperactivity. This is why fixed awareness meditations are important.

Open-awareness meditations are where you will spend the most time learning your subconscious belief patterns.

Next question — How to interrupt your subconscious programming? To be continued.

For our purposes, this article about lucid quality of attention is over now, but just like cooking, there are more crucial tools to manifesting.

I will write more about common subconscious belief patterns and how to recognize them. This is something a talk therapist can help you with, but it can also be done solo.

After lucidly identifying your subconscious belief patterns, you will move on to interrupt them by developing an attitude for your meditations, which is a stylistic approach you’ll bring to your inner monologue.

Developing your strategic attitude will help your manifesting immensely! Your attitude is what will really take care of your wellbeing after you step away and carry on with your day.

To read the next article about manifesting with attitude, follow me here on Medium.

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Hi.- I’m Reyna. I am a lightworker.

To learn more divine truths and discover your own healing, give me a follow on this publication.

I also love to write about healthcare systems — how they are beginning to recognize the immense healing available in the divine reality. I write about US healthcare in a different publication, which you can follow here.

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