What is a Thoughtform?

understanding physical projections of thought

Reyna Park
2 min readFeb 3, 2023

When we meditate we are careful to observe our thoughts without any judgement, and we know that if a thought is negative about ourselves or others that it is not true and not a reflection of reality.

Be careful to allow this negative thought to exist peacefully but not to grab hold of it or identify with it.

It’s not true!

Any thought based in fear belongs no where close to our subconscious programming and energetic body.

Any thoughts that we associate with or hold on to become integrated into our energy bodies as thoughtforms.

Thoughtforms are energetic phenomena and are very powerful.

Repeated negative thoughts like “I can’t do this” clog our chakras and drive us towards fear based programming. Pretty soon the thoughtform itself is what you are fighting, not whatever you are trying to do.

This is why we cannot stop thinking about a certain person or event, because that thoughtform has integrated into our chakras system, and is taking our energy!

Thoughtforms can consume a lot of our free consciousness and will.

Addictions are thoughtforms.

We’ve all felt like our addictions or habits are driving the wheel. The steady conditioning of “I need this xyz to survive” creates a dense place in your energetic body that will propel you to continue these same behaviors. Every time you indulge the thoughtform grows and takes a life of its own, until it is driving you.

Your mental and emotional relationship to your addiction is crucial, which is why mindfulness meditation programs like MBSR actually help people.

If we create positive thoughtforms around ourselves, the thoughtform will nourish us with high vibrational energy.

It is so important to develop a place inside you that acts as the observer and higher self during meditation.

This higher self will be able to hold any thoughtform without succumbing to it.

Meditation will also help you watch thoughts as they pass without grabbing on to them and forming more thoughtforms.

I am a lightworker — To learn more divine truths, and to manage your own healing, give me a follow on this publication!



