How to be still (even when you are surrounded by chaos)

Matt Rosinski
6 min readSep 13, 2019
Brain chatter can feel like you are surrounded by seagulls while you try to enjoy your fish and chips at the beach.

It’s Sunday. You go out for a coffee at the local morning market. You are sitting under an ancient tree opposite your life long friend. The breeze is cool, the coffee is wonderful and warm, the sky is blue and clear, it is a beautiful day and yet you are missing it all. You find yourself becoming distracted by the conversations of people sitting nearby. You start judging their words, their voices and feel a sense of aversion arising. The coffee burns the back of your throat a little because you threw it back just a bit too fast. The dissatisfaction that is arising within you begins to grow and your thoughts switch to that thing you are not looking forward to at the end of the day. Before you know it the coffee has evaporated from your cup and you rush off to do the next thing on your list for the day. This is how life can start to be experienced when we are not in the flow of it. We either become spectators and judges of others or we split our attention between doing five different things poorly at the same time ourselves. How can we become free of this unhelpful brain chatter and chaos?

How do you become calm in the middle of chaos?

Living with a busy family there is always something happening. School assignments, functions, sports activities. The list is endless. Then there is the endless…



Matt Rosinski

I’m a data scientist working an Australian tech company.