Realist Lab: Empowering Founders with Empathy and Transformative Support

Revolutionizing Entrepreneurship Through a New Paradigm of Success

Realist Lab
6 min readMay 30, 2023
Powerhouse team at Realist Lab! From left to right: Isis-Rae Goulbourne, Marie Rocha, and Christine Sullivan. Not pictured: Joana G. Smith and Max Aristilde. (Photo By: Melissa Olguin)
Powerhouse team at Realist Lab! From left to right: Isis-Rae Goulbourne, Marie Rocha, and Christine Sullivan. Not pictured: Joana G. Smith and Max Aristilde. (Photo By: Melissa Olguin)

In a world driven by profit margins and bottom lines, where entrepreneurship can often be a solitary journey, there exists an organization that distinguishes itself from the rest — a beacon of empathy, compassion, and unwavering support for aspiring entrepreneurs. Founders often find themselves grappling with uncertainties, shouldering immense responsibilities, and striving to carve their path to success. It is within this vast expanse of possibilities that Realist Lab was born — a guiding light illuminating the way for visionaries and redefining the very essence of success. As a non-profit initiative, Realist Lab proudly steps into the startup landscape, anchored by its unwavering commitment to empathy, comprehensive support, data-driven innovation, and transformative programs.

Realist Lab’s story is one of passion, resilience, and a deep understanding of the intricacies of entrepreneurship. It’s a valuable organization for founders from underrepresented backgrounds seeking not only essential business resources but also the holistic backing needed to thrive in their endeavors. Dreams are nurtured, risks are de-risked, and ideas are transformed into thriving businesses. Let’s take a look into the genesis of this organization and explore the impactful work it undertakes today.

The Origins of Realist Lab

Realist Lab’s journey began in 2022 when Marie Rocha, a seasoned businesswoman, successful investor, and software engineer, embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between aspiring entrepreneurs of color and the resources they yearned for. Drawing from her experiences as a venture capitalist, Marie recognized the barriers and tribulations faced by entrepreneurs from underrepresented backgrounds on their path to success. She discovered that beyond capital and technical expertise, what these founders truly needed was someone who understood them deeply — an empathetic support system.

Marie Rocha, Founder of Realist Lab, empowering innovation and driving change. (Photo by: Melissa Olguin)
Marie Rocha, Founder of Realist Lab, empowering innovation and driving change. (Photo by: Melissa Olguin)

“Financial investment alone was not enough to ensure the success of these ventures. BIPOC Founders needed a comprehensive ecosystem that addressed their multifaceted needs, including technology, practical tools, and guidance in navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship.” -Marie Rocha, Founder Realist Lab

Driven by a burning desire to make a difference, Marie Rocha, Founder and President of Realist Ventures and Realist Lab, a venture fund investing in early-stage startups, expressed, “Financial investment alone was not enough to ensure the success of these ventures. BIPOC Founders needed a comprehensive ecosystem that addressed their multifaceted needs, including technology, practical tools, and guidance in navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship.”

Thus, Realist Lab emerged as an extension of Realist Ventures, with a mission to support both non-technical and technical entrepreneurs in their quest for success. Marie envisioned a place where the power of empathy could transform the lives of entrepreneurs, where their dreams and aspirations were nurtured in an environment of unwavering support.

Empathy in Action

At Realist Lab, empathy is not merely a buzzword — it is the driving force behind every decision, interaction, and program. The organization recognizes that behind every startup lies a passionate founder pouring their heart and soul into their vision. Realist Lab firmly believes that by truly understanding the founder’s journey, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds, they can provide customized resources, mentorship, and support to address their unique needs.

Through a series of transformative programs tailored to each founder’s needs, Realist Lab goes beyond traditional business training and guidance, and mentorship. The Lab delves into the practical and technical, and digital limitations of each participant while also acknowledging the fears, doubts, and vulnerabilities that accompany their pursuits. Founder wellness is a central pillar with emphasis on mental and emotional well-being given the utmost priority.

A Pioneering Approach: Revolutionizing Entrepreneurial Support

Realist Lab’s unwavering dedication to founders has earned them well-deserved recognition, including a prestigious $5 million grant from the State of Connecticut. This grant enables Realist Lab to establish a fellowship program aimed at providing vital support to underfunded and under-resourced businesses. Aligned with Governor Ned Lamont’s commitment to empowering local entrepreneurs, this initiative highlights the profound impact of empathy-driven programs and learning resources.

Max Aristilde, Director of Engineering at Realist Lab, talks about the vision the organization has in the field and his dedication to offering advanced software engineering support to founders. He shares, “We want Realist Lab to be known for its pioneering approach, harnessing cutting-edge technology, business strategies, and comprehensive data analysis to empower founders.” Through Realist Lab’s various programs, founders gain access to a structured curriculum covering core business practices and specialized training in technology and consumer products, as well as in-house software engineering and marketing support. However, it goes beyond education and implementation — it provides an immersive experience that taps into the hearts and minds of everyone who participates.

Fostering an Inclusive and Empathetic Community

What truly sets Realist Lab apart from other organizations is its unwavering commitment to fostering a community of like-minded individuals, placing diversity and empathy at the forefront. This commitment is championed by Christine Sullivan, the Chief Programs Director, who emphasizes, “Inclusivity is paramount to our mission. We firmly believe that diversity is not only a moral imperative but also a catalyst for innovation and economic growth.” Realist Lab actively encourages entrepreneurs from underrepresented backgrounds, including people of color and women, to participate in their programs. By doing so, they cultivate a powerful network of support that extends well beyond the program itself.

Joana G. Smith, the Principal Investor at Realist Ventures and Vice President and Co-Founder of Realist Lab, passionately expands on the organization’s core mission. She asserts, “Investing in founders from marginalized backgrounds who are building high-growth companies is not only a smart investment strategy. Throughout history, founders with diverse backgrounds have consistently generated investment returns that surpass those of non-diverse teams by an impressive 30%.” Supporting these diverse founders aligns perfectly with Realist’s mission to scale successful businesses, create abundant job opportunities, and breathe new life into economies. Joana adds, “By doing so, we edge closer to the day when we can effectively address and close the extensive racial wealth gap.”

The Power of Belief, Support, and Community

Realist Lab’s impact continues to unfold as they welcome new entrepreneurs, dreams, and success stories to the forefront. Isis-Rae Goulbourne, Chief Marketing Officer at Realist Labs, eloquently captures the essence of the organization’s value, stating, “Realist Lab inspires entrepreneurs to embrace continual learning, envision audacious goals, and realize they are not alone in their journey.”

Realist Lab stands as a resounding testament to the transformative power of empathy, empowering founders from historically underrepresented backgrounds with the essential tools to shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities. By fostering a supportive network where voices are heard, Realist Lab emboldens founders to embrace their dreams, embrace risk, and collectively redefine the landscape of entrepreneurship. Allowing Founders to forge a world where the spirit of innovation knows no boundaries.


Realist Lab is a pioneering organization that empowers founders and aspiring entrepreneurs with a holistic and transformative support system. They offer a range of comprehensive programs and resources aimed at educating, guiding, and nurturing founders on their entrepreneurial journey. Realist Lab stands out for its unwavering commitment to diversity, empathy, and community-building, fostering an inclusive environment where founders from underrepresented backgrounds, including people of color and women, are encouraged to participate. Through a combination of education, mentorship, technical support, office hours, marketing assistance, and networking opportunities, Realist Lab equips founders with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to succeed in building and scaling their businesses. Their ultimate goal is to redefine the startup landscape and empower diverse founders to create successful ventures that contribute to economic growth and bridge the racial wealth gap.

