Donald Trumps of the Internet : Leaked Passwords

Davy Jones
3 min readSep 23, 2018


The President’s credentials that have been used on common websites have been exposed, but what link does this mean for future info leaks?

Donald Trump has made news for the infamousness that he rarely has ever touched a computer, despite being a long time supporter of Twitter, which is likely used and managed on his cell phone. The fact remains that Donald Trump has never provided the public with a personal email address, the closest being, and other emailable contact methods being to use White House correspondence, which is available on the White House website and other government websites. An article was even released, jokingly, that the only time that Donald Trump ever touched a computer was when he knocked a monitor over. Whether or not this is true remains to be known; in this day and age, much is dependent on computer use and even though Mr. Trump is reaching old age and may not have the inclination (or the proposed ability) to get usage out of computers, he may fall into the same trap everyone else does. According to the amount of information that emerges on the internet containing sensitive materials, the chance that the real Donald Trump will have sensitive data on the Internet for public access is moderately high and growing by the day, even if he has avoided the leaks so far.

However, after a routine search using leaked passwords database services, Donald’s name comes up multiple times, not with an email but with his specific username. Wildcards using only the first name Donald or the last name Trump were more numerous, and thrown out. This information, like all others, is made freely available so that the general public, and especially Donald Trumps of the internet, can have access to just what information is available. Among one of the fascinating facts about the relayed data is the usage of the password “123456” which is the most commonly chosen password by users. It is speculated that Donald Trump himself could use a commonly chosen password or one found easily within a dictionary file. The leaked information is displayed below, and has not been tested for accuracy or usage ability.

Username: Donald trump

Username: donaldtrump 1
Password: 23lol123
Source: x-split

Username: donaldtrump
Password: 3736f055
Source: Skype / Facebook

Username: donaldtrump
Associated Email:
Password: d00d00

Username: donaldtrump
Associated Email:
Password: 2e3fbdd7566d646e7ef0994548c75382

While it is not likely that the above accounts are associated with the Donald Trump that is the President of the United States, it demonstrates the useability of both the common username and the availability of leaked information on the Internet that is prevalent with the low quality password security of present day. Passwords, email addresses, and usernames are being leaked at an alarming rate — leaked database services estimate thousands of databases made available on the Internet and the Deep Web since 2017 alone, with one of the latest and most popular ones for sale by hackers with details from Under Armour’s My Fitness Pal product. Experts agree that this problem is becoming more dangerous for both people and businesses, with billions of dollars being lost related to fraud or theft every year. Assessing this situation could lead to the recovery of those dollars; furthermore, the danger of Donald Trump’s private password being leaked onto the Internet poses disastrous consequences for everyone in the world.

If you are Donald Trump, or any of the users listed above, it is highly recommended that you change your password. The data is made available here, from Leakprobe, only after being made available in dozens of other password databases and advisory websites.

