Survivor 41 episode 10 power rankings: The Shaky Eight

After a chaotic double elimination that flushed two powers, the Survivor 41 episode 10 powers rankings try to predict the unpredictable.

The Reality Canuck
4 min readNov 23, 2021

After a long-overdue vacation, my weekly feature is back! Two weeks ago, I had Tiffany as a frontrunner, and, much to everyone’s surprise, she was voted out and became the Queen of Ponderosa. Who could imagine fan favorites Naseer and Evvie would quickly follow suit, with Shan burning an extra vote to blindside Naseer in a move that sent his idol to the ether.

That leaves just Shan and Xander with an idol, with the latter also holding onto an Extra Vote. That may seem like a modest offering considering the advantagedegon-heavy nature of modern Survivor seasons. Still, with Yase dwindling to two and Luvu holding a commanding lead, it will be interesting to see how the future unfolds!



Deshawn Radden: I’ll be honest; I have no clue who wins Survivor 41. Ever since first professionally covering this show with Game Changers, I’ve had a reasonably consistent idea of who has the strongest chance of making it to the end and winning (except for Chris Underwood, for obvious reasons).

Deshawn feels like a strong candidate to go the furthest this season, as he has nobody targeting him. He has earned the trust of allies like Danny and opponents like Xander, plus he has multiple alliance groups working in his favour.

Shan Smith: Were it not for Shan’s Hidden Immunity Idol, I would have put her as one of the players in trouble. Due to her overwhelming paranoia and propensity to play powers to protect her fellow players, she’s not going to miss playing an idol on herself if her name comes up.

Additionally, she still has maintained a high level of social manipulation; even if it’s becoming increasingly clear to everyone else on the tribe she should go home sooner rather than later.

Robert Voets, ViacomCBS

In the Mix

Danny McCray: Though his strategic acumen is fairly lacking compared to the power players of Survivor 41, you have to admit his social play is relatively strong. He should have been the kind of player you see targeted immediately at the merge as an athletic player in a dominant tribe.

Danny has gone completely hidden under the radar, which bodes well for him should he brace for an Immunity Challenge push to approach the finish line.

Middle of the Road / Swing Players

Heather Aldret: Though Heather’s story in the game remains barebones, we do know, at the very least, that she is closest aligned with Erika. Her partner will be targeted every time possible before she is, meaning she should only be targeted if Erika is immune or there are bigger fish to fry than either of them.

One thing that has been teased is Heather’s desire to make big movez in chaotic fashion. That makes her the most likely to be a swing player in this pivotal moment, as a Final Eight spot with Luvu representing half the tribe might crumble thanks to the two on the bottom of the totem pole.

Liana Wallace: She may literally hate Xander’s face (figuratively, on weeks of starvation, Reddit weirdos), but others are starting to see how much of a one-track mind she’s been on since getting embarrassed at the merge. Many Survivor players feel like they need to vote out a player that showed them up triumphantly, and Liana is one of many one-sided spites.

However, she remains a player willing to take suggestions from allies like Shan and Deshawn, especially when Xander still has an idol and wins immunities like it’s his job.


In Trouble / Potential Targets

Xander Hastings: Xander is becoming multiple players’ white whale on Survivor 41, and it’s not just Liana. The time is ticking for everyone else in the game to vote him out, as his immunity idol, extra vote, ability to beast Immunity Challenges, and any twists lying in wait remain as backup options.

In one way or another, Xander is going to be the target of others, he’s shown an unwillingness to use an idol on his allies, and he got outplayed by opposing players in a five-player Tribal Council he, himself, could have turned around. He’s quickly becoming a one-man island.

Ricard Foyé: This season has made me wary of feeling good about a player right after getting personal content, especially when it’s been the first time since the premiere months ago. I would have put Ricard as a frontrunner were it not for Shan’s idol, as Ricard has put himself in a position to be voted out to make Shan’s influence weaker.

Thankfully, Ricard has proven his ability to win individual immunity, as I feel he will need it this week more than ever.

Erika Casupanan: You could see in the way that people cheer on the sit-out bench that it’s seemingly everyone sending anti-Erika energy. I don’t know the wholly tremendous power that Erika supposedly has that gets everyone quaking in their boots, but there’s a groupthink decidedly against her.

The one thing that’s going for Erika; her overwhelming willingness to make a move. She’s willing to tackle the power structures of the game, and much like legendary winners before her, as long as it’s not her, Erika seems game to take them out.

