Don’t invite AI to your next birthday party.

Liyana Azman
6 min readMar 22, 2024


It can’t cut cake.

It’s Ramadhan with four and a half hours left in the day till I can consume food. Meanwhile, I’m generating AI-images of cake. Why? For research of course!

Yesterday I joined a workshop organized by Gabriele de Seta. Gabriele is studying Generative AI and its use in creative artwork. What are its limits? How do we push those limits? He shared his findings from a previous conducted workshop with local artists. They experimented with 3D printers and Generative AI. He shared images of 3D figures with odd, funky shapes. You can check out more of his work here: Synthetic ethnography: Field devices for the qualitative study of generative models . The assigned task for the workshop was to have fun and mess around with an AI generating tool. We were given freedom to generate anything. Yesterday I played with the prompt, “show me an image that no one has ever seen”, leading to fascinating results. Today, I am at it again. I am writing an article on food and I need a slice of cake image. And that’s when I discovered…

No one has taught AI how to cut cake.

Cutting cake is an essential human skill. Every birthday someone needs to cut the cake. In my family, we designate the cake cutting role to the one who can do it properly, without butchering the cake. Not everyone cuts beautifully, but we have all done it even as a child with a plastic knife. There is even plastic (or wooden if you’re feeling posh) toys for cake cutting pretend-play. Humans, we just love our cake. That love has not reached AI. I have the images to prove that.

It started with a simple prompt: knife cutting through cake.

Lets try again: cake cut with knife

I like how the knife is welded to the hand.
Would you like a shard of metal with that cake?
hey…not bad!
what happened to the knife?
the lonely spoon

Ok let’s try : cake and knife

well played…
Rage cutting?
Is that a chocolate knife?!

Maybe I should specify the type of knife then: cake cut with cake knife

This is wild…
We finally got some nuts in the cake.
Raspberry ripple with a knife on the side.

So maybe I should add a person in to help : birthday girl cuts cake

Nailed it!!!!!
Is that a nail filer or a swiss army knife
Missing knife…child safety?
Wishing for revenge

What if it was :birthday boy cuts cake

We have a friend to help
Someone call child protection services….
Someone call parent protection services
Someone get this boy in a suit some friends.

Maybe I can help: knife cutting through surface of cake

Well it’s on the surface
This could be the best one!!!

What about: knife delicately cutting through cake

At this point AI must be taunting me
knife looks good..minus the hands..
Who designed this cake?
Lets just delicately balance the knife on the cake

Maybe a butter knife is better : butter knife cut through cake

Just a bit a off the corner
Is that butter cake…
Is this a cake protest?

Maybe the perfect slice? : a knife cutting a perfect slice of cake

You forgot the handle
We’re getting somewhere
I spoke too soon
This knife had enough of cutting.

Maybe sheet cake minimizes the awkward angles: a knife cutting into sheet cake

Only bakers can relate to this

How about the write way to cut cake

I soon realize I made a typo, but AI ignored it
knife candle , anyone?
While we’re at it lets just add a bunch of utensils down there.

So I corrected the typo: the right way to cut cake.

I omitted subconsciously “a ” cake- AI gave me multiple cakes.
The next AI cook book!
Progress…with extra fingers .

After 50+ attempts of cake generating, I finally call for back up. I ask a Midjourney expert what prompt should I use. He suggested “picture of a vanilla cake being cut with a knife” and proceeded to provide me some Midjourney pictures.

Only psychos cut like this
peek a boo
jagged little knife
At last, got it.

I tried the same prompt in Canva

Edward scissorhands?
getting fancy with the icing at least

Last attempt. I realized vanilla was included in the prompt because I had shown failed attempts to the Midjourney expert of vanilla cake. So i remove vanilla to see what happens.

Need a hand? or finger
losing it
bring your own knife party

And then the last image

This will do.

What have I learnt from all of this?

One- Research can actually be fun!

Two- Someone please teach AI how to cut cake.

I am Liyana Azman, a PHD Candidate in AI Law. I could really use some cake right now.

