Peace has enemies

4 min readFeb 7, 2024


Even peace has enemies, there are some people out there who definitely don’t like peace, so isn’t it arrogant of you to think you won’t have enemies. I don’t think there is anybody since the history of creation who hasn’t been controversial or can’t be, everybody at some point makes enemies, regardless of your actions or words sometimes. Somewhere, somehow, someone already hates you either because of your ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, skin color or even gender. I am guessing that’s just the beauty and diversity of the human nature, it would have been pretty boring if we all just got along easy-peasy without any problems.

We inherently seek peace because having enemies is bad for business, it doesn’t help at all and only causes trouble, so it's difficult to imagine that we might have enemies in actuality.

Could you name somebody who has never been hated? I’ll wait in the comment section.

It will be pointless to try to understand why some people hate peace, sometimes hatred is irrational, a projection from somewhere else or simply just done out of boredom and monotony. There are many factors we can try to use to justify the potential hatred of others towards us; maybe what you said, how you said it, your actions, tone or even simply your demeanor. Sometimes just from a look, a person builds a perception about you which leads them to hate and resent you even without you uttering a single word, even when that perception is totally false and one-sided and false.

Shouldn’t come as a surprise

You shouldn’t be surprised you have enemies and that some people just don’t like you. Turns out that's just how life is, and the world we live in sometimes just doesn’t make any sense. One thing you get to do at least against all this is to curate your environment and to shape your reality to a certain extent. You can choose the people you want to hang out with, you can decide which neighborhood you want to live in etc. with this you can easily avoid these enemies and focus more on those who love and share the same ideas as you.

Avoiding conflicts

Conflicts arise from a multitude of reasons, which aren’t always evident nor predictable. From my experience you can do a lot of things to prevent a conflict from starting, but you can’t always stop every one of them, nevertheless one thing you can always do is stopping a conflict from escalating. It's in our human nature to resort to violence to solve our problems, so it comes really as no surprise that there would be conflicts among us. Many tools have been developed through the years to help us deal with these conflicts, here are some you can use;

  • Clear Communication
  • Avoid Sensitive topics
  • Respect others
  • Avoid arguments
  • Patience and empathy
  • Forgiveness
  • Understanding & Tolerance
  • Education
  • Laws & Principles
  • Fairness & Justice
  • Diplomacy


When you look at all these points listed above, they are direct opposites to the factors which lead to conflicts, here are just a few of those factors which lead us into conflicts; bad communication, ignorance, disrespect, intolerance, resentment and much more. So by applying the opposite of these emotions, we can counteract the factors which lead us into conflicts.

Why violence?

Have you ever wondered why violence is the default option when it comes to settling our conflicts? Well there isn’t much to wonder about, especially when you look at the animal kingdom, that tells you already that it's an innate trait which comes from evolution. Everybody recognizes and acknowledges strength, it doesn’t matter how right you think you are, you will always bow to strength. You can see in most animal kingdoms, there is always a hierarchy and that is very often times based on strength. We are not too different from that as well, even though we’ve developed new methods of dealing with our conflicts, we often revert to these when all the others fail.


My point is that you are going to have enemies, that's just a fact. Not just that, but you might also become the enemy of somebody. I wanted to share with you in this article the ways you can deal with conflicts when they arise and warn you against your primal instincts which will push you to violence when all these fails.

Thanks for reading ☺️

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