Untangling the Latest Facebook Data Breach: Is it Real?

Muhammad Mater
4 min readJun 6, 2024


Recently, a hacker identified as b1nary01 posted on the Breached Forum claiming to have compromised sensitive information of Facebook users. The post, dated Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 12:36 PM, included a sample Excel sheet containing 100,000 data lines.

This article aims to analyze and confirm whether this new breach is legitimate or if it consists of recycled data from previous Facebook breaches

Overview of the Alleged Breach

On June 5, 2024, a hacker known as b1nary01 posted a sample of the compromised data on the Breached Forum. The sample Excel sheet includes the following user data:

  • Full Name
  • Profile
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Date of Registration (DR) (it’s a Date Of Birth but he posted it as DR)
  • Location

Let’s get a look at the sample

let’s look at the Profiles

let’s check the others

Some profiles don't open and the URL may maybe wrong or was changed

Okay Let’s analyze the location section and get the top locations

I wrote a Python script to do this

from collections import Counter

def count_duplicate_lines(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
duplicates = Counter(lines)
top_duplicates = duplicates.most_common(40)
print("Top duplicated lines:")
for line, count in top_duplicates:
print(f"{count}: {line.strip()}")
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Error: File '{filename}' not found.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = "locations.txt"

note: locations.txt is the location section in the sample I copied it from the sheet and past it to this Txt file

And The Result :

Most of the users are from the USA

And phone numbers are from the USA

Now Let’s go check the emails I will check if the emails are in old breach of Facebook

Keep a note: Facebook has suffered to many breaches

I will try to search in the Famous One 2019 Breach

These are data for the USA (because the data in the breach are from the USA )

Search in all files the emails from the Excel sheet don’t exist in this 2019 breach

Let’s use A leak Search Engine Like IntelX

Found A database from 2020 And It’s for the USA in Intelx when put any email from an Excel sheet in the search

But intelx can’t find any result when you search by profile id (USERNAME)

I think Intelx downloaded 2 versions of this breach because this is the same email and the name of the breach is a different

Another Something Wired That Appears in all results was searched by email

so I think it’s collected data More than the source


The primary objective of this analysis is to verify whether the alleged breach is genuine or if it simply recycles data from a previous breach.

The Data is Not a New Breach in Facebook

There is another possibility that it is new data, and the data that appears is data that has been around for a long time

keep a note: all of the emails in Excel are already breached and you find it in a lot of breaches

I don’t want to prove any point of view, I just analyze the situation and present to you all the cases that I doubt

Note: I will update the article if anything new happens



Muhammad Mater

Just a Boy Loves Infosec (REDTEAM, CTI, OSINT, Bug Bounty) And Security Analyst @Darkentry.net