The Future of Artificial Intelligence has Arrived

The Real McCoy
2 min readMar 21, 2023


OpenAI’s newest iteration of their language processing AI model, GPT-4, is one of the most advanced AI models ever created. This model is designed to process and act like a neural network with a massive database of information trained to understand and learn from the data.

GPT-4 is the successor to the GPT-3, which was designed by OpenAI in 2020. The earlier model had 175 billion parameters, which made it the largest language model in the world. However, GPT-4 is set to be far more impressive. It is rumored to have over 460 billion parameters making it nearly three times larger than its predecessor.

The AI model is capable of performing a range of functions such as summarizing articles and documents, language translation, answering complex questions and even writing entire essays. Like the previous models, GPT-4 models will be pre-trained on vast amounts of data that will allow it to better understand natural language and context. With each subsequent iteration, the AI model is becoming more adaptable and effective at processing information.

This AI technology has proved beneficial in several sectors, including the fields of medicine and education. GPT-4 could help medical organizations sift through mountains of data and identify patterns in patient reports that may have been missed otherwise. It can also provide accurate responses and offer treatments based on the patient’s symptoms and history.

Similarly, in the education sector, AI models such as GPT-4 can automatically summarize books, articles, and research papers into quick readable and understandable formats. It could also be useful in the creation of personalized academic content that is tailored to a student’s learning needs.

While GPT-4 appears to be a revolutionary step to Artificial Intelligence, there is still much exploration to be done. Its full range of capabilities is likely still unknown and like any AI model there are limitations to what it can do. Ethical considerations and data privacy concerns will also need to be addressed as this technology continues to evolve.

In conclusion, GPT-4 has the potential to revolutionize many industries and further AI technology overall. With its enormous database of information and high adaptability, AI models like this could become an essential tool for aiding human decision-making.

-The Real McCoy



The Real McCoy

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