SpaceX Crew Dragon Launch Delayed

Mike Ridler
2 min readMay 29, 2020


SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule

Yesterday NASA scrubbed the launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule due to weather conditions. That made me sad since I was excited to see this launch go off without a hitch. The capsule had 2 astronauts suited up, belted in, and ready to go within 17 minutes of launching when the final call was made.

The silver lining is all the Falcon systems were functioning properly and there were no technical reasons why the launch could not have gone ahead. Another attempt will be made on Saturday and I have my fingers crossed everything will be successful.

SpaceX Crew Dragon Launch Delayed — Mike’s Vlog 028

This mission is the first astronaut launch of the Crew Dragon but don’t be fooled into thinking it hasn’t been thoroughly tested. There is an almost identical Cargo Dragon Capsule which has been to the International Space Station 21 times already.

Crew Dragon is mounted on top of a Falcon 9 rocket which is the two-stage rocket that is able to land the first stage for re-use and leads to some big cost savings over time.

SpaceX — CRS-11 | Landing aerial footage

I’ve had dreams of going into space pretty much my entire life. In fact, I would go right now if I could get myself a seat. These aren’t dreams about some hyperspace, warp drive, ludicrous mode, space jump with laser blasters and aliens. These are dreams of flying into space and turning around to see Earth shrinking away while nothing else appears any closer. That experience would blow my mind.

Don’t even get me started about landing on Mars to build a colony. Whoever has the paperwork for those missions can sign me up right now.

The things SpaceX have done in 20 years is amazing and I can only imagine the excitement projects like Starlink, Starship, and whatever comes next will create.

They keep me dreaming just like a little kid.

Do you get excited by space exploration in general or SpaceX specifically? Leave a comment below.

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Mike Ridler

I try to be laid back while enjoying the outdoors and the little things in life. A large dark roast ranks pretty high on my list of good things.