Promoting Your Instagram Posts: Is It Worth It?

Mike Speer
8 min readJul 11, 2019

So, you created your Instagram profile. You’re posting good content consistently. You’re doing everything right…But you just aren’t seeing an uptick in engagement.

It happens. As with any social platform, building a following takes time. You may be wondering, however, if there’s a way to speed things up a little.

Enter: Instagram promoted posts.

Promoted posts are those that you create organically (just like any other post) then pay to have shown to a targeted audience. You promote your post directly from the app by tapping “Promote” under your chosen post. The process is basically a simplified version of IG ads, which offer more options to customize the look and distribution of your content. Both ads and promoted posts feature a “Sponsored” tag to alert IG users that the creator has paid to show them this content.

The prospect of shelling out some of your hard-earned cash, though, you may leave you wondering, “Is it worth it?” That’s the question we’re tackling in today’s article.

First Off, How Do I Promote My Post?

If you have an Instagram business account, promoting a post through the Instagram app is as easy as tapping a few icons:

  1. Log into the Instagram app, and go to your business…



Mike Speer

An Entrepreneur since before the average person knew what that even meant. Let’s discuss how I can help with your organization’s biggest challenges.