3 Reasons to Hire Student Marketers

Moe Abbas
3 min readJan 5, 2018


Student marketers are an ideal way to get an extra hand marketing your business, while also building up a talent pool for future recruitment efforts. GenM is a marketplace that connects your business with remote student marketers who market your business unpaid as part of their training. This new model of education makes it possible for businesses to affordably grow while also providing much needed work experience to students in training.

Here are the top 3 reason to hire a student marketer today.

  1. Cost and Time Saving

Running a business is expensive. Wages are the #1 cost in business often followed by marketing. I remember starting my first business and having no time to focus ON my business because I was always working IN my business. Freeing just 10 hours a week to focus on my business, enabled me to step away from being a business operator to being a business owner.

Getting an edge on your costs and freeing your time from simple marketing tasks will give you the breathing room you need to grow your business. Student marketers on GenM market your business unpaid as part of their training enabling you to free up some much needed cash and time that you can reinvest in growing your business.

  1. Low Risk Recruitment

When I was scaling my first startup, we used volunteer student marketers to grow our business and hired 25% of them as full-time employees. It was our “secret sauce” that allowed us to get an edge in a hyper competitive market.

Christine Baxter, who is now CMO of Vancouver General Contractors, started off as a volunteer intern while in school, earning her way into a full-time position upon graduation, and then climbing the ranks to CMO all within a few years. There is no better way of finding hidden talent and getting affordable marketing than student marketers. You have no commitment to hire, so you can get work value, while also having the optionality to hire talent that you have personally vetted.

3. New Marketing Ideas

The most under rated benefit of hiring a student marketer are the marketing insights. Students marketers on GenM are bright, motivated apprentices who have shockingly smart insights and no industry baggage. I remember a late night chat with my apprentice at the time, Raj. He presented a new idea to market our business on Quora. Not only did he present this brilliant idea, he also subsequently executed on it and it has become the most effective organic traffic source for us. I still to this day chat with Raj to get his perspective. The next marketer I hire, may well be Raj… or maybe my current apprentice Sanjog who has proven to be an equal rockstar.

Small V.S. Large businesses student programs

Many large businesses have established paid internship programs and relationships with Colleges. For many small businesses and startups, they don’t have the budget to setup a paid internship program or the time to source students from Colleges. GenM makes it easy, fast and affordable for small businesses to access student talent. If you are looking for more experienced marketers, GenM offers experienced marketing freelancers starting at $20/hr. Regardless of your marketing needs, GenM has you covered.

Whether you are a small or large business, student talent is great value so don’t miss out on this amazing talent pool because you never know where your next rock star will come from.

To learn more about student marketers and see student profiles visit GenM.



Moe Abbas

CEO at GenM. We use a new model of education to train digital marketers.