Get updated exchange rates through Currency Convertor

Real Satoshi
1 min readAug 27, 2018


Getting exact currencies’ exchange rates is a difficult task especially in crypto hub. But, Bitcoin Real has eased it by linking the updated Currency convertor on its website. Our team instantly update every currency’s fluctuation upon the convertor. Convertor is helping BTCr users in terms of trading, selling, or buying the coins. Furthermore, investors who are willing to do trading on BTCr can also get the exact idea of the exchange rates by just inputting the amount of normal currency or digital currency.

The purpose of adding this option is to give the exact idea to our users about their currencies’ exchange rates. Every normal currency and every cryptocurrency are mentioned in the convertor through which you can easily trade, buy, or sell the coins.

Make your Crypto Wallet by visiting and start trading on hybrid network. In the beginning, 10 percent from the total supply of BTCr coins is already mined. Moreover, BTCr mining process is so strong as it is working on Proof of work, Proof of stake, Proof of loyalty, and Proof of influence. So, just input your any normal currency amount or any digital currency amount in the currency convertor and get the exact updated exchange rates.

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