Corporate Social Responsibility in India And Its Role in Education Sector

Real Super 30
2 min readMay 1, 2020


Children constitute more than 30% of India’s population i.e. more than 400 million. Out of these, maximum children have never been to school due to a lack of access to formal education. Apart from it, the literacy rate in India stands at 74% which is very low compared to the world’s average literacy rate i.e. 84%.

According to a report published by UNICEF, the dropout rate in India is very high. Around 100 million children don’t complete even elementary school. This doesn’t augur well for the future of the country that boasts about its young population. Though the government is taking initiatives to improve the education level in the country, it is the responsibility of the corporate sector as well to do their part through corporate social responsibility in India.

How CSR can help change the educational landscape in India? Let’s have a look.

Most businesses try to impact operations that correspond to their own business goals, and education is an important part of their plan. By promoting educational exercises, companies can hire students that show high potential. Building a more educated workforce is extremely important and by doing this organization can move towards specific goals and targets in the education field.

Investment from private and public companies can enhance the quality of education in a very short period because the biggest challenge when driving nationwide educational reform is financial support.

Corporate sector can also provide highly effective teaching aids and other resources, and through partnerships with the government, play an important role in higher education too.

Most educational CSR or social responsibility in India, initiatives can help companies to maintain long term growth and profitability and improve their level of recognition among local populations. Through this they can meet their CSR obligations and can probably operate with an increased ability to hire and retain employees, fulfilling growth targets at a much faster pace.

CSRL, a registered society that works in the field of improving education in India is helping poor and downtrodden children to get quality education in premium Indian colleges and universities.



Real Super 30

CSRL one of the best NGO working in the field of education, social welfare and corporate social responsibility in India —