Cross Browser Testing for Web Applications: Techniques and Tools

Franklin Clinton
7 min readApr 7, 2023


Cross-browser testing is the process of evaluating the functionality and compatibility of a web application across different web browsers and their versions. The reason why cross-browser testing is essential for web applications is that various browsers interpret and render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code differently.

Cross Browser Testing for Web Applications: Techniques and Tools

As a result, a web application that works correctly on one browser might behave unexpectedly or even fail to work altogether on another browser.

To ensure a seamless and consistent user experience, web developers and testers must perform cross-browser testing to ensure that their web applications function correctly on all major browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

Cross-browser testing can detect and resolve compatibility issues before they reach end-users, and it can help developers identify and fix bugs and inconsistencies that might negatively impact user experience.

Common challenges of cross browser testing

Cross-browser testing poses several challenges that developers and testers must overcome to ensure that their web applications work correctly on different browsers and platforms. Some of the most common challenges include:

Differences in browser behavior and rendering: As previously mentioned, different browsers interpret and render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code differently. This can lead to inconsistencies in the appearance and functionality of a web application across different browsers. For instance, a website that looks great on Google Chrome might not display correctly on Mozilla Firefox or Safari, which can result in a poor user experience.

Compatibility issues with different devices and platforms: Cross-browser testing also involves testing a web application on different devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Each device has its unique features and capabilities that can affect the performance and behavior of a web application. Moreover, web applications need to work seamlessly across different operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

Time and resource constraints: Cross-browser testing can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Testing a web application across multiple browsers, devices, and platforms can require significant time and resources, especially for complex web applications. In addition, maintaining a testing environment that includes multiple browser versions and devices can be challenging and expensive.

To overcome these challenges, developers and testers can use automated testing tools, such as Selenium and Test Evolve, to streamline the testing process and reduce the time and resources required for cross-browser testing.

They can also use cloud-based testing platforms that provide access to multiple devices and browsers to test their web applications quickly and efficiently.

Ultimately, thorough cross-browser testing can help ensure that web applications work correctly and provide a seamless user experience across all browsers and devices.

Cross browser testing techniques

Cross-browser testing can be performed using different techniques, including manual testing, automated testing, or a combination of both. Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right approach depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the testing project.

Manual testing:

Manual testing involves manually testing a web application on different browsers and devices to evaluate its functionality and compatibility. This technique is beneficial for testing small and straightforward web applications that do not require extensive testing. The advantages of manual testing include:

  1. Flexibility: Manual testing allows testers to adapt to different testing scenarios and perform exploratory testing to identify new issues.
  2. Cost-effective: Manual testing does not require any specialized tools or equipment, making it a cost-effective testing technique.
  3. Real-world testing: Manual testing simulates real-world scenarios, enabling testers to evaluate a web application’s performance in different environments.

However, manual testing has some disadvantages, including:

  1. Time-consuming: Manual testing can be time-consuming, especially for complex web applications that require extensive testing.
  2. Human error: Manual testing is prone to human error, and testers may miss some critical issues or inconsistencies in the application.
  3. Repetitive tasks: Manual testing can become tedious and repetitive, leading to decreased productivity and motivation.

Automated testing:

Automated testing involves using testing tools and scripts to automate the testing process and evaluate the functionality and compatibility of a web application across different browsers and devices. The advantages of automated testing include:

  1. Efficiency: Automated testing can perform testing tasks faster than manual testing, making it more efficient for testing complex web applications.
  2. Consistency: Automated testing can ensure that testing tasks are performed consistently across different browsers and devices.
  3. Accuracy: Automated testing reduces the risk of human error, ensuring that all critical issues and inconsistencies are identified.

However, automated testing also has some disadvantages, including:

  1. Cost: Automated testing requires specialized tools and equipment, making it more expensive than manual testing.
  2. Technical expertise: Automated testing requires technical expertise in using testing tools and writing testing scripts, which can be a challenge for some testers.
  3. Limited testing scenarios: Automated testing is less flexible than manual testing, and it may not be suitable for testing certain scenarios.

Combination of manual and automated testing:

A combination of manual and automated testing can be an effective approach for cross-browser testing, enabling testers to leverage the advantages of both techniques while minimizing their disadvantages.

Manual testing can be used to perform exploratory testing and identify new issues, while automated testing can be used to perform repetitive and complex testing tasks. The combination of manual and automated testing can provide the following benefits:

  1. Faster testing: The use of automated testing can speed up the testing process, reducing the time and resources required for testing.
  2. Comprehensive testing: The combination of manual and automated testing can ensure that a web application is thoroughly tested, identifying both new and existing issues.
  3. Cost-effective: The combination of manual and automated testing can reduce the overall cost of testing by leveraging the advantages of both techniques.

Cross browser Testing Tools

Cross-browser testing tools are essential for automating and streamlining the testing process, reducing the time and resources required for testing, and ensuring that web applications work correctly on different browsers and devices. Some of the most popular cross-browser testing tools include:


BrowserStack is a cloud-based testing platform that provides access to a wide range of browsers, devices, and operating systems for testing web applications. It enables developers and testers to perform live testing and automated testing, as well as debugging and issue tracking.

Sauce Labs:

Sauce Labs is another cloud-based testing platform that provides access to a large number of browsers, devices, and operating systems for testing web applications. It also offers advanced features such as parallel testing, automated testing, and real-time testing.

Test Evolve:

Test Evolve is a cloud-based testing platform that provides access to a wide range of browsers, devices, and operating systems for testing web applications. It enables developers and testers to perform automated testing, as well as live testing, debugging, and issue tracking.


Selenium is an open-source testing framework that enables developers and testers to automate web application testing across different browsers and platforms. It provides a suite of tools and libraries for writing and executing test scripts in different programming languages such as Java, Python, and Ruby.

Other tools and frameworks:

Other popular cross-browser testing tools and frameworks include Cypress, TestComplete, CrossBrowserTesting, Applitools, and Ranorex. These tools and frameworks provide various features and functionalities such as automated testing, visual testing, and performance testing, enabling developers and testers to test their web applications comprehensively.

Best Practices for cross browser testing

Cross-browser testing is a critical aspect of web application development that requires careful planning and execution. To ensure a successful testing process, developers and testers should follow some best practices, including:

Define the browsers and devices to be tested:

It is essential to identify the browsers and devices that the target audience is likely to use to access the web application. This helps to ensure that the application works correctly on these platforms and provides a positive user experience.

Prioritize testing based on user traffic and business impact:

Testing should be prioritized based on the browsers and devices that are used most frequently by the target audience and have the most significant business impact. This helps to ensure that the most critical functionalities are tested first and any critical issues are identified and resolved promptly.

Test with real user scenarios and data:

Testing with real user scenarios and data helps to ensure that the application behaves as expected in real-world situations. This can include testing with different network speeds, user locations, and browser settings.

Use responsive design and CSS frameworks:

Using responsive design and CSS frameworks helps to ensure that the application looks and functions correctly across different browsers and devices. This includes using flexible layouts, media queries, and responsive images to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Continuously monitor and update test scripts and tools:

Cross-browser testing is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and updating of test scripts and tools. This includes updating test scripts to reflect changes in the application and updating testing tools to take advantage of new features and functionalities.

Also Read: Top 6 Visual Regression Testing Tools for 2023: A Comparative Analysis


In summary, following these best practices can help to ensure that cross-browser testing is efficient, effective, and produces reliable results. By testing with real user scenarios and data, prioritizing testing based on user traffic and business impact, and continuously monitoring and updating test scripts and tools, developers and testers can identify and address issues early in the development process, reducing the risk of bugs and errors in the final product.



Franklin Clinton

Hi, I am Franklin, you can call me Frank. I have been working as a Senior QA Engineer in IT from the last Six years.