White allies, no more excuses for the systemic racism killing of Black peopleIt’s time to step up or shut up. And no one should remain silent.Jun 5, 20201Jun 5, 20201
When white women practice the politics of polite, the violence of niceWe must admit that, when we’re moderate, we’re complicit.Aug 11, 201913Aug 11, 201913
Real Talk white women were asked if they have real friendships with WOCHere’s what they discovered.Jun 1, 20191Jun 1, 20191
We white women shouldn’t ask “What can I do to fight white supremacy?”Instead ask, “What am I WILLING to do to fight?”Apr 14, 20193Apr 14, 20193
The $1 settlement in the Starbucks case is some respectability BS and here’s whyWhite people don’t deserve kindness when they harm us.May 4, 20184May 4, 20184
My response to white people who say, “If you don’t like it here, then leave”Maybe you should pack your bags instead.Apr 14, 201827Apr 14, 201827
The White Allies’ Guide to Collecting Aunt Linda10 rules for speaking up on the Internet.Mar 19, 201839Mar 19, 201839
Families of Color Face Challenges when Seeking Treatment for Mental Illness whPart. 3 of 3. Avoiding Anxiety is White PrivilegeFeb 7, 20183Feb 7, 20183
Part II: How We Talk About Mental Illness Is RacistTalking about mental illness usually is not a priority for most of us. Unless we live with mental illness or a loved one does, we simply…Jan 10, 20188Jan 10, 20188
Families of Color Face Challenges when Seeking Treatment for Mental IllnessPart 1 of 3.Dec 20, 20172Dec 20, 20172