5 Simple Ways to Ensure Employee Satisfaction in an Organization

Sampurna Majumder
3 min readFeb 15, 2017


Ensuring employee satisfaction is definitely a huge task that all employers need to consider. This is said because, more an employee is satisfied in his or her workplace, the more productive he or she is. While self-motivation plays a significant role, the importance of the employer also has to be taken into consideration.

An employer also has to work towards motivating his or her employees and ensure that they are not only happy at work, but also able to give their best at work. There are certain ways by which an employer can boost employee satisfaction and even ensure employee retention.

Some of the best ways to boost employee satisfaction in an organization are explained below:

#1. Putting your people first

One of the first aspects of employee satisfaction is to, put your people first before yourself. If you want to delight customers you need to hire the right kind of people, as great products and competitive pricing will only take a company so far. You need brilliant people too: people who care as much about the brand as they do the customers.

Simply put, happy employees lead to happy customers, and happy customers lead to more profit. This is why it is said that employees should always be put first, before anything else and rather treat them as customers.

#2. Listen to them

Employees feel important when they are carefully listened to. As an employer, always remember to listen to your employees to utmost care and give them the space to speak up. They must feel wanted within the organization which is when they will feel like working more. Such a move will not only make them happy, but will eventually ensure that employees are far satisfied.

#3. Reward and recognition

Time and again, researches have proven that, rewards and recognition goes a long way in employee satisfaction. Whenever an employee is recognized and rewarded for some extraordinary contribution towards the organization, he or she must be recognized and rewarded. Even if it means a small gesture like a congratulatory email, keeping everyone in the loop. Such small gestures go a long way in doing wonders in the long run.

#4. Maintain transparency in communication

Another important aspect in boosting employee satisfaction is to maintain absolute transparency in whatever the company does. This goes out, especially in terms of clear communication. The organization/employers must communicate absolutely clearly every development that takes places within the organization. This will enable employees feel more significant and cared for.

#5. Show them respect

For this exercise, one does not need any money. An organization must always choose to show its employees the respect that they deserve. Once employees feel respected, they will feel motivated and tend to perform much better. Needless to say that, on the employee satisfaction front, one will not have to worry much, as employees will automatically remain satisfied.

In present times, employee retention has become an essential aspect of the corporate sector, and most companies find it truly difficult to retain employees for a longer period of time. Therefore, the focus on employee satisfaction is very essential, so that, till the time an employee is working for an organization, he or she is able to give his or her best.

Author Bio: A post graduate in Literature from University of Delhi, Sampurna has been working as a full-time professional writer for more than five years now. She has been lending her expertise to the online world by penning articles and blog posts on jobs and careers, HR tips and the recruitment industry.

