Why Should Companies Conduct Employee Background Verification?

Sampurna Majumder
3 min readOct 12, 2017


Applicant background screening has become a common place in today’s business world. It might come as a surprise, but there are particularly assigned background-screening companies who are involved in this task. These days, almost every business ends up conducting employee background checks in order to ensure that their business is run properly.

A well-designed background-screening program will almost ensure that you end up reducing your cost-per-hire by providing proper visible measureable ROI from the very beginning.

With the present global job market being a little tumultuous, greater percentage of applicants might not be truthful and might end faking it up on their resumes, even if to a certain extent. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a proper background check. And as an employer you can do it yourself or approach background screening companies in order to fulfill your task.

The process of background screening will help your company identify candidates who are being truthful and who are not being truthful. You will be able to identify candidates with troubling flags in their past and sift through a large number of candidates and choose the best of the lot. Recent studies have shown that up to 60% of candidates have faked it up on their resumes in an effort to make themselves more appealing to their future employers.

Often a third party third party background screening company can help you perform the task in a much better fashion than the employers itself. Some of the benefits of conducting a background screening check on your future employees are explained in the paragraphs below:

#1. Improved safety and security

Opting for a proper background screening would enable you to have an improved safety and security for your organization to a considerable extent. Employment background checks helps in reducing the chances of future workplaces violence by sifting out candidates that could pose as a sound threat to the workplace environment.

Comprehensive screening will help in detailing past incidents of candidates that mat provide critical insight into behavioral habits that could pose as a future threat. Statistics reveal that a large percentage of managers have hand to deal with some kind of abuses or violence at workplace.

#2. Improved quality of hire

The next big benefit of assigning the task to background screening companies is the fact that it can ensure you a substantially improved quality of hire. Talent acquisition is somewhat troublesome and once you have succeeded in background screening of candidates, prior to getting them onboard, you ensure a good and improved quality of hire. Needless to say that, once you have successfully conducted a background process check, you are bound to get a better quality of hire.

#3. Improved regulatory compliance

A third-party background screening company or provider with an in-house compliance and expertise can help your organization properly create a great screening solution that will not only satisfy your industry standards but also state and national laws and other kinds of legal requirements.

In times such as these, it is very essential for organizations to conduct a proper background check pf candidates, so that you can not only hire the best possible candidates but also have safety and security in place.

