Asian Crypto Millionaires Should Put Their Money in Real Estate
3 min readJul 26, 2018


Fortunes have been made in the Ethereum markets and many of these new-found millionaires are looking to protect their gains from the volatile crypto markets. Back in January Ethereum and Bitcoin spiked dramatically only to come back down a few months later. Even though the value of ETH has come down over the last six months there are still plenty of millionaire Ethereum earners in this $50 billion market (See top Ethereum Accounts here). Investors should take the Ethereum gains that they have and invest in US tokenized real estate assets. Here are a few reasons why crypto millionaires are investing their ETH earnings in real estate.

The volatility of the crypto markets

If you have been an investor for more than six months then you have a greater appreciation of the crypto market volatility that seems to be never-ending. In January the market was at its peak– only to come crashing down over the next few months. Most people don’t have the stomach or mental fortitude to weather these ups and downs in the market, and the good news is you don’t have to, you can keep your money in cryptocurrency and invest in US tokenized real estate for as little as 2 ETH.

Real estate tokens are physical property

When you invest in security tokens you are investing in physical property attached to an asset. By tokenizing real estate assets on the blockchain it’s easier for property owners to offer a fraction of their asset to the masses, and it’s easier for the masses to invest in real estate around the globe, a win-win. Each security token represents a stake or share of the asset that has been divided into smaller portions making it accessible and liquid on the ERC-20 exchanges. This digital ledger on the blockchain contains the history of each real estate transaction time stamped and immutable. Real estate assets produce income and appreciate over time, allowing investors safety and growth.

Passive income and appreciation

Real estate can be the most powerful source of passive income because of rental income, but not every real estate investment is passive, and you need to know the difference. True passive income is earning money without investing time, it’s hiring capital to work for you 24 hours per day 7 days per week without rest. It’s important to find an investment portal that allows you to invest in fractionalized income producing real estate so that you can take advantage of passive income. Robert Kiyosaki believes that true wealth is when your passive income exceeds your expenses; get on that track and out of the rat race by investing in fractionalized income producing properties with ETH.

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Trevor Whiting

VP, Investor Relations


Experienced Sales Leader of over 14 years and has started offices in London, Toronto, and the US. He was VP of Investor Relations of RealtyMogul where was responsible for revenue growth, sales operations, and growth initiatives. Under his leadership, he developed a sales playbook that resulted in 2x growth.

