RealtyReturns Wins the TrackICO Poll Again!
2 min readAug 23, 2018


What is it about RealtyReturns that is causing such a buzz? Why do we keep winning the top ICO poll results? It’s because we are disrupting the 217 trillion-dollar real estate market through tokenization.

Here are 10 fundamental ways RealtyReturns is disrupting real estate:

  1. Providing greater Accessibility to investors around the globe.
  2. Cross-border transactions in US real estate allowing for more diversification.
  3. A hedge against crypto market volatility.
  4. Tokenized real estate assets on the blockchain.
  5. Liquid investments that are accessed through blockchain.
  6. Less Fees than traditional real estate investing.
  7. Less volatility compared to other markets.
  8. Quicker transactions through smart contracts.
  9. Investments start as low as 2 ETH.
  10. More transparency than any other time in history.

Why we started RealtyReturns

I have been an investor in cryptocurrency for many years now, through the huge rise and recent fall of values. I asked myself how I could find a way to avoid the volatility of the markets by investing in income-producing real estate. Unfortunately, I did not see an option available at the time.

This was around the same time I was invited to speak about cryptocurrency and its influence on the global economy at SLUSH Conference in Singapore. After my presentation, I began interacting with attendees living in Singapore and surrounding Asian countries. Many of the attendees I spoke with voiced their similar concerns with the volatility of the crypto markets and were looking for a safe place to invest their crypto. Coming from a cryptocurrency, real estate and crowdfunding background, I immediately saw huge potential to combine all three of these aspects.

However, when I brought up this new model, a new concern arose. Investors were concerned about the lack of liquidity in the real estate markets. With the typical real estate investment having a hold period of many years, our team figured out how the blockchain could fix this lack of liquidity by allowing investors to sell their ownership stake in a specific property with the push of a button through our platform; thus creating a liquid real estate market.

We launched to help overseas investors and others avoid the volatility of the markets by securing their money in income generating properties and providing instant liquidity not previously offered by real estate.

Manny Fernandez, Co-Founder, CEO

Democratizing global access to investment grade commercial real estate using the blockchain. Visit and join our Telegram group

Trevor Whiting

VP, Investor Relations


Experienced Sales Leader of over 14 years and has started offices in London, Toronto, and the US. He was VP of Investor Relations of RealtyMogul where was responsible for revenue growth, sales operations, and growth initiatives. Under his leadership, he developed a sales playbook that resulted in 2x growth.

