Why Women will Become the Largest Investors in Real Estate

4 min readJul 19, 2018


New research reveals a stunning trend that women are more likely to invest in cryptocurrency over men. It shows that 1 in 8 women or 13% are likely to invest in cryptocurrency compared to only 6% last year. In less than a year women’s interest in cryptocurrency has doubled. That number is even higher when you look at millennial women where 1 in 5 are likely to invest in digital currency.

When you dive deeper into the data you not only find that interest has doubled for women in the last year that know about cryptocurrency; but the bigger story might be that 1/3 of women have no idea what bitcoin or cryptocurrency even is. If you look at the table below you will see that only 16% are somewhat familiar, and a full 30% haven’t heard of bitcoin at all.

When you look at both the 7% increase of women that have interest investing in bitcoin in conjunction with the fact that 30% of women have never even heard of blockchain, it tells you that women are already starting to dominate cryptocurrency despite the fact that ⅓ still don’t even know what it is. Imagine how much higher the increase in demand will be once all women understand the concept.

The takeaway from this data is that crypto investing is not a man’s sport– listen to what Senior Business Analyst Agnes de Roeyer has to say on the matter:

“There’s still a common misconception that cryptocurrency is a game for men, but we’ve seen hundreds of women sign up for our exchange in the last few months and some of the most inspiring and knowledgeable investors, leading the way in the industry are female,” said Agnes de Roeyer, senior business analyst at the London Block Exchange.

A recent story of an investor named Camille Requiestas demonstrates this point quite nicely. Camille being a new investor could have easily played it safe and made her first investment in CD’s, treasury bills, bonds, muni’s, notes, or a mutual fund. Instead, she made her first investment $500 in bitcoin. Why? Her response was that:

“I just did it kind of blindly, which is probably not smart. But I knew I wanted to invest in something,” the 28-year-old from Temecula, California, told TheWrap.

After she made the investment she committed to holding the investment for at least a year; she knew that she needed to think strategically and hold for the long term. When bitcoin surged to $20,000 she found herself obsessed with the ups and downs of the crypto markets and unable to take emotion out of the decision, it was her first lesson in the crypto markets. Bitcoin reached 20,000 for a brief moment only to crash back down to six thousand a few months later.

There is a way for women to enjoy the gains earned in the crypto market and still preserve earnings, but it’s going to require some diversification in tokenized real estate assets on the blockchain. Each security token represents a stake or share of the asset that has been divided into small portions making it affordable to the recent college graduate, single parent household, and retiree. This digital ledger on the blockchain contains the history of each real estate transaction time stamped and immutable. A crypto investor like Camille can take some winnings out of the markets and enjoy more stability along with passive income and capital appreciation.

Platforms like RealtyReturns are democratizing real estate investing by allowing investors to invest in real estate through ERC-20 compliant security tokens. The integration of the blockchain into the traditional real estate investing model provides asset-back token and liquidity to investors all across the globe. Each token represents legal ownership in fractional real estate with access to income generating properties and capital appreciation.

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Democratizing global access to investment grade commercial real estate using the blockchain. Visit RealtyReturns.io and join our Telegram group https://t.me/realtyreturnsglobal

Trevor Whiting

VP, Investor Relations


Experienced Sales Leader of over 14 years and has started offices in London, Toronto, and the US. He was VP of Investor Relations of RealtyMogul where was responsible for revenue growth, sales operations, and growth initiatives. Under his leadership, he developed a sales playbook that resulted in 2x growth.

