The Sunday Scaries — Senioritis

2 min readMay 7, 2018

so, you guys, what’s the 411?

senioritis (noun) — the crippling epidemic causing students to discard all responsibility in favor of unproductive and frivolous activities

senior spring to-don’t list:

spring is the season when you’d rather be outside than in the library — and senior or not, it’s easy to lose focus when the end is in sight.

senior spring can be the best semester yet, but it also comes with some BIG decisions, opportunities, and changes (hey there, graduation). to make it all the way to the big day diploma in-hand there are a few big to-don’ts (brought to you by successfully employed graduates):

1. skip class — wouldn’t it be a bummer to see your GPA go down the drain after 3.5 years of hard work? yeah, we think so too — not to mention, some potential employers ask for references and your professors will be less willing to advocate on your behalf if you start skipping their lectures because it’s finally nice outside.

2. let loose on social media — employers will and do look at your online profiles when making hiring decisions, and that red solo cup could be the difference between you and the other candidate. now is not the time to take your Instagram public, it’s not the time to go through your friend Sarah’s Facebook pictures and re-tag yourself in those freshman year gems, and it’s not the time to endorse your friends for fake skills on LinkedIn. the job search is hard enough — keep that Google search clean.

3. be a negative nate/nancy — no one likes them! senior spring is seriously the best (not that sitting at a desk isn’t fun) but we know it can also be a really stressful time. tons of change and uncertainty can bring out the worst in people (you know who you are), but counting down the days won’t make them last longer. so turn that frown upside down and focus on enjoying the time you have left — seriously carpe that diem, there’s only a month of ’em left!

