Things That Must Be Said

Politics, Religion & Her
4 min readJul 8, 2016


I’m exhausted and depressed and tired of the killings. I’d like to say we all are, but some are not, as made clear by all too many ignorant posts. By these too, I’m exhausted.

Police need to stop being so trigger-quick, especially with black people. Show the same restraint to all people, please, we beg you.

Shooting police is not only terrible and tragic and senseless, etc. It’s also not fucking productive. Whoever you are, if you think this is the path, you are sorely mistaken. You will NOT win your battle in this manner. You will only make things worse.

If you’re still telling me that your right to an automatic, military-grade killing machine and/or high volume clips is important, then I have nothing more to say to you.

We CAN have better gun CONTROL without “taking your guns”. It’s fucking simple, if you’d only open your damn mind and stop being so ridiculous. It’s easier to get a gun than it is to get Sudafed. Fucking think about that and shut up the next time you are about to say “guns don’t kill people…” in response to someone simply asking for it to be HARDER to get a gun, NOT to “take your guns”. FUCK. COME ON MAN.

No, better gun control will NOT stop all shootings. Again, Not. The. Fucking. Point. Anything we can do to stop EVEN ONE more shooting, we should do and CAN do, without… “taking your guns” or your rights. Please, please wake up.

I support police AND I want to see less black people killed by them. Just let that simmer for a second. Just block out the rage you’re about to spew on me and realize that it’s not that hard to do. Police put their lives at risk every day. There are bad guys that probably need to be shot. I don’t understand the pressure police are under. I chose not to be a police officer. I appreciate the good work they do. AND (key word) I am sick of seeing black people shot at disproportionate rates. This is not rocket-science, despite what Fox News or CNN might tell you. This is not a one-or-the-other proposition.

I also have NO CLUE (if you’re white, you don’t either) what it’s like to be black in America. Can you imagine literally being afraid for your life every time you get pulled over? I can’t. That’s all I’ve got to say on that. I cannot even imagine. It’s incredibly sad and messed up and, to me, that’s not arguable.

Much of the media and many of our politicians do what they do for one reason — money, period. Too many of them spend too much time dividing us and doing what is best for their next promotion, their reelection or their post-political careers than focusing on what is actually best for the majority of Americans. They (when I say this, I mean about 95% of politicians and most of the mainstream media big wigs.. not the average reporter) are not interested in you having all of the information or in you having fair perspectives or in you having a better life. They are interested in bettering their OWN life and their own bank account, period. They are one of the largest pieces in the pie of this problem.

And, while I’m losing faith in its power, voting in EVERY election, especially for Congress seats, is more important that it’s possibly ever been in my life.

Can we please see the power of money in politics to take away all of our politicians potential for good? Can we just open our eyes to that? I’m happy to pay more taxes if it means less influence from billionaires on policy that is not good for most of us. I don’t get why you aren’t (if you in fact aren’t). Please vote for those who agree.

I don’t know what else to say, but for the first time in my life, I seriously entertained moving to another country last night (Dallas shooting, which was preceded by police shooting two more black men in other cities). We seem to be on a very, very dangerous path and I am seeing more bold racism, hatred and division each day. I love my country. I do. But it’s a pretty love-hate relationship right now and reason does not seem to have the voice I need it to have within our leadership or our citizenry. I’m staying because I hope to be wrong soon. And because I do love my country, despite it being more of an abusive spouse lately than it’s ever been in my lifetime.

I don’t care if you are a Republican or a Democrat. Just be a good human. Life is not black & white. Not all liberals are bad and not all conservatives are bad. Talk to each other more, yell at each other less. Call less names. Please. Please realize that those in power, those driven by greed; they want us to fight. And we’re helping them win. Look for the voice of reason within you. Stand face to face with your neighbor and realize that they deserve happiness just as much as you, regardless of their skin color or sexual preferences.

And please, whatever it takes, swallow your urge to act out in violence. It’s not getting us anywhere, no matter our cause.

Stranger or friend, I love you and I want you to thrive.

I’m tired.

That’s all I’ve got. I’m going to try to make a positive impact in some small way. I hope you do too.

Peace… please. Somehow.




Politics, Religion & Her

I’m 38 and just experienced enough to be dangerously reasonable. Let’s talk about what ails us. And what makes our hearts sail.