Worthy and Able

The Relational Worker

Rebeca Sandu
The R Word
1 min readFeb 17, 2022


We live in a world of outcomes. What is the outcome of a healthy relationship?

If you are a policy maker, you would hope for a reduced need for public services. Maybe for reintegration into society, a job or education. The outcomes of healthy relationships are qualitatively different.

They are the means for the person being helped to achieve what they want to achieve. Relationships recover the sense of self, the sense of being of worthy and able.

A self that is worthy is accepting of who she is, likes herself, asks for help when needed, and does not hide. A self that is able has more control of her emotions, and is less dominated by her past or her conditions. Being worthy and able means going beyond surviving, making plans and getting involved in daily life. This is a self that takes responsibility for her actions.

A healthy relationship to self is reflected in our relationships to those around us. Being more trusting of others. More open to reaching out for help. Better able to communicate current challenges.

Social networks are reorganised. Negative ties are cut. Past ties are mended. The relationship with their workers have been rewarding. So they seek more of the same.

Read about The Relational Worker series here




Rebeca Sandu
The R Word

Social researcher | Relationships, disadvantage, learning are my North ⭐️ | Searching for relational workers | co-founder of @ratio_