7 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Web Design Company in 2020?

Mistakes to Avoid While Partnering With a Web Design Company

Rebecca Lee
5 min readApr 2, 2020

Are you still operating your business with traditional offline methods? If yes, then it is a high time to build a business website. WHY?

Today, we are living in a highly digital world where users access everything from the website. Moreover, it won’t be wrong to say that web development has become a hot trend of doing the business compared to the strategies used in the past.

However, with the emerging technologies in web development, designing a functional and professional website is one of the most challenging tasks. With approx 1 Billion sites available on the internet, providing the same interest of services as you do, so how will you make your website stand apart in the industry is the biggest concern of businesses.

You may find several DIY web designing blogs providing you with the guidelines to build a website, but how will it rank on the search engines? Apart, from designing to optimization, page load time to ranking, there are numerous things that only Software Development Company can explain to you.

Again, one more central question arrived here, with the availability of millions of Best Web Development Companies in Dubai, how would you decide which is the best choice for your business?

Before collaborating with any web development company in 2020, We recommend you to avoid these common mistakes.

7 Common Mistakes To Avoid While Hiring a Web Development Company in 2020:

Picture by Austin Distel on Unsplash

1. Partnering With the Companies Deploying Outdated Technologies

Never compromise with the website development quality to save some cost on services; after all, a website is the face of your brand.

While 1.4 million websites are already in use, it is essential to shake hands with the web development company that strives to deploy proven methodologies and emerging technologies in web development to help you stand first in the competition.

While technology is changing every fourth hour, it would be a horrible mistake to hire developers working on the older versions of the frameworks. It will not only ensure unsated user experience but also cause hurdles in website functioning.

2. Hiring Companies That Directly Starts The Project With Coding

If any web development company is ensuring you the best performance of your site by merely deploying the right coding, it is best to avoid hiring such companies giving you this statement.

Every client has their own needs, business realities and budget, so there is no single programming language or coding set that suits all.

The ideal choice of a web development companies in Dubai is that, who start the project by analyzing the business goals, understand the targeted audience and develop a website by deploying the right choice of technology to bridge a gap between your success and goals.

3. Picking a Developer With a Lack of Domain Experience

It is one of the most common yet costly mistakes that companies make while hiring developers with a lack of domain experience.

The website designing companies may have years of industry experience, a lot of knowledge about website designing and creating. However, domain experience is still essential to meet the requirements of the business.

A company with lack of domain experience can cause a negative impact on website development and may fail to deliver optimum web design results.

4. Hiring Cheaper Web Developer

Picture by Per Loov on Unsplash

While it is always tempting to go for the cheaper options, if the price is too reasonable to believe, then you might be putting your web designing project at stake. Whether you are a startup or a million-dollar business, you always want to choose the services that come at a lower price, but it may come with low quality work.

However, now businesses have acted more smartly and should not consider the price of the services an only soul factor to decide whether it’s the right choice of a software development firm to hire.

5. Hiring a Company That is Not Aware of Website Ranking Techniques

Website development is not about designing beautiful pages with impressive images, instead, it is more than that. No matter how brilliant your website design is, if it fails to reach the targeted audience, then it is no use of investing in website development services.

Make sure the company you choose to hire, must know the SEO techniques and aware of Google rules to help you rank your site in search engines. Hire a Website Developer with the knowledge of website optimization according to the Google PageRank Algorithms.

6. Hiring the Web Development Company That Design Static Sites

Gone are those days when people only browse websites on the desktops. Today, approx 4 million smartphone users are accessing websites and applications for online shopping. Even Google gives priority to those websites on search engines, which are dynamic or responsive.

In that case, if you are choosing to hire web developer working on designing static sites, then you will not only lose potential segments of the users but also have to bear Google Penalties.

7. Hiring Web Developers Without Any Research

It is easy to tap on any of the first three options while searching for web developers on Google. But, if you are also choosing the same way to hire web developers and thinking that it is the best way to onboard the developers, then you might be making horrible mistakes.

Instead, just checking the experience of the company, get in-depth information about the company profile. You are advised to check the portfolio, compare the per hour pricing of the developer, ask for a reference, verify client’s rating, certification, and so on to check the authenticity of the company. Devoting some time on the research work is the key to find the best web development service providers in Dubai.

Ending Note

To end this article, it is worth to tell you that, like you never want to buy a shop without conducting in-depth research of the market, likewise, you should not settle on the web development company without sketching a layout in mind. Before you sign a contract with any web developer in Dubai, make sure what exactly you are expecting from the company and keep in mind above mentioned common mistakes.



Rebecca Lee

Consultant for Strategy | Content Marketing & Branding Strategist | Helping Entrepreneurs | Passionate Blogger