Hi, I’m Rebecca.

Known for my love of dark chocolate, Christmas decorations, and fur-baby snuggles. I'm an ex-corporate gal turned high-performance life and business coach, writer, and speaker with big dreams.

I help people be free of stress and overwhelm, reclaim their purpose, and feel fulfilled.

I've peeled back the layers of my socially acceptable addictions to work, busyness, accolades, and atta-girls that wreaked havoc on my life.

Through therapy, 12-step recovery, lots of books, meditation, and intentionally recreating my life to reflect a slower pace, I've transformed.

My life now mirrors my priorities, goals, and the legacy I want to leave behind.

I wanna teach you how to do this too!

Why I Started Coaching

I spent years excessively working, people-pleasing, lacking boundaries and alternating between feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, and stuck.

Constantly seeking validation outside of myself, I can't tell you how many jobs I applied to. Happiness always being in the elusive future.

When my first marriage ended abruptly, I was forced to take a hard look at who I was and what I wanted outta life.

I had to do the inner work to uncover the source of my low self-esteem, compulsive busyness, and control issues.

Listen, you're not broken or bad. You're not a victim, and you don't have to be a martyr.

You're worthy of being loved, known, seen, and celebrated for who you are, not what you can do, fix, or provide.

If you're ready, freedom can be yours.

I'll lovingly guide you every step of the way.

Accepting new coaching clients. Book a free Discovery Call. It just might change your life. Details here.

With love,

Rebecca 💜

PS: Maybe you'd like some immediate relief? The Top 5 Ways to Reduce Stress & Overwhelm is available here. Check it out!

Connect with Rebecca Murauskas
Rebecca Murauskas

Rebecca Murauskas

High-Performance Life & Business Coaching. Achieve freedom from anxiety & peace. Free guide: Top 5 Ways to Reduce Stress & Overwhelm at www.RebeccaMurauskas.com