VUCA: Reimagined

Rebecca Taylor
2 min readJan 16, 2019


We talk a lot about creating safe and supportive work environments where people are free to fail and contribute to the long term vision of a company. We believe that by fostering a place with psychological safety, your team will be better equipped to handle the challenges that are thrown their way. More importantly, they’ll be better able to innovate for the future.

There’s a common work environment that is defined using a military acronym — VUCA. This stands for “Volatility”, “Uncertainty”, “Confusion” and “Ambiguity,” and it was a term used in the 1990s to describe the temperature of America after the Cold War. VUCA environments are very common today because things are changing quickly (Volatility), things are unpredictable (Uncertainty), we operate in an interconnected world where cause and effect can significantly impact things (Confusion), and changes in technology have increased the chances for miscommunication (Ambiguity).

At GoCoach embrace a VUCA environment, and have redefined the meaning so it better aligns with who we are and what we value:

Vision: Know where you’re going.

Understanding: Hone your EQ to lead with empathy.

Clarity: Make sure those around you know where you’re going.

Ability: Ensure your teams have the skills to achieve your vision.

As you navigate this year, make sure you and your team are embracing your VUCA and that they know that this type of environment is expected and it’s normal. Things aren’t going to go smoothly and certainly all the time — in fact, they probably rarely will. All you need to do is make sure you know how to stick together, find certainty in uncertainty, and come out on top.

