Rebecca Gavin
2 min readJul 4, 2017


BTW, you all trot out that 3 month old, single poll, which simply listed a bunch of random names and asked respondents if they approved or disapproved, and claim that those of us who see through your guru are only 8% of the party, etc. I swear, there is a Bro handbook out there. You are all so predictable, and have the same talking points. But the problem is, and I doubt you have taken the trouble to look at the entire poll, including the methodology, they asked respondents if they considered themselves a Democrat or Republican, but they never claimed to be surveying the Democratic Party membership to determine attitudes about Sanders. They asked everyone that responded the same questions, Republican or Democrat. The same list of names. Many of the respondents didn’t even know who many of the people named where, such as Chuck Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader. They were hardly representative of active party members if they didn’t know who he was. This reminds me of when you were all screaming bloody murder that the online polls after the first debate were being suppressed, because you don’t even have enough basic knowledge to know that online polls are not valid and for entertainment only. And then there was the tantrum you threw when Time Magazine did not name Bernie Person of the Year after you had each voted 20 times in the reader’s poll. LOL. Ah, good times. Laughing at you pompous idiots who don’t even realize that knowledgeable people know what’s up, and no amount of foot stomping impresses anybody.

Don’t you need to be out harassing Joy Reid, or making death threats, or something?

