
Biography of Cain

Rebecca Graf
Christian Growth


Most people know Cain as the first murderer. But beyond that how much do we really know about this legendary man? What more is there to learn about him?

Cain’s parents are probably the most famous couple in the history of the world. Adam and Eve were the first humans that walked the planet and made their home in the paradise we know as the Garden of Eden. They had it made, but one mistake and act of disobedience resulted in them being banished from the Garden forever.

It was the new and hostile world that welcomed Cain into the world as the first child born (Genesis 4:1). The new parents had another child that they named Abel. The older child chose the life of working of the soil. He spent his life trying to call forth produce from the land to feed the family. It was not near as easy as it had been for his father in the garden. Cain worked hard and took his body to the extremes to cut into the soil, nurture the plants, and reap the harvest.

Abel chose to be the caretaker of the livestock. He watched over the sheep and cattle. He tended to the animals that gave them the clothes they wore and the milk they drank.

Not Such an Easy Life

It is at this time in the narrative that we realize that there is more to all this than the words let on. The style of writing the Bible generates was not the same…



Rebecca Graf
Christian Growth

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman. www.writerrebeccagraf.com