Navigating the Square between Mercury and Saturn: Challenges in Communication

Good Stars Vedic Astrology
4 min readJun 13, 2023


On June 15, Mercury in Gemini will square Saturn in Pisces. During this transit, the square presents specific challenges that frustrate Mercury’s inherent qualities. Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication, finds itself strong and comfortable in the sign of Gemini, where it thrives on clear facts, logical analysis, and effective (verbal) expression.

However, when confronted with the square aspect to Saturn in Pisces, Mercury’s strengths are tested. Saturn represents limitations, discipline, and structure, while Pisces tends to be elusive and boundless. This clash between Mercury’s preferences and the challenging energy of Saturn in Pisces can lead to frustration and difficulties in communication.

In personal communication, the square between Mercury and Saturn in Pisces may hinder individuals’ ability to express themselves with clarity and confidence. Mercury is fast and thinks quickly on its feet, while Saturn is the slowest planet. Mercury in Gemini seeks precise language and logical explanations, yet Pisces’ influence can muddle thoughts and emotions, making it harder to articulate ideas effectively. This frustration can lead to misunderstandings or a sense of being misunderstood in interpersonal interactions.

What this transit might bring up in the news

During the square between Mercury in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, news stories may emerge highlighting challenges, frustrations or miscommunications involving various areas of life represented by Mercury, as well as the influence of structures and challenges associated with Saturn.

This may involve typical Mercury domains (education systems, markets and business, the tech industry) wishing to move forward, but being stopped in their tracks by regulatory bodies, infrastructure issues and challenges and set backs in general.

Since Mercury can also act as a “mouthpiece”, we may also hear specific Saturn in Pisces news that may shed light on issues affecting structures related to water. This could involve reports on challenges in managing water resources, infrastructure problems in coastal areas, or miscommunications impacting water-related industries such as shipping, fisheries, or water supply management.

Saturn’s influence often brings attention to structures and challenges faced by marginalized or vulnerable communities. News stories may highlight issues affecting the elderly, impoverished individuals, or those facing difficulties accessing necessary resources or services. Communication gaps within social welfare systems or struggles in delivering aid could be among the topics covered.

How to navigate this transit personally

  • Maintain open-mindedness and flexibility in your communication approach, allowing space for intuitive insights and imaginative ideas.
  • Practice active listening to minimize misunderstandings and ensure clarity in conversations.
  • Be aware of potential miscommunications and strive for clear and concise expression of thoughts and ideas.
  • Embrace creativity and adaptable learning methods, especially if you are a student or educator facing challenges within the education system.
  • Stay informed and exercise discernment in consuming information, particularly in the era of AI-generated content and the blurring of reality.

What to keep in mind

  • Individuals who have planets or angles in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo in their birth chart may feel the effects of this transit more intensely.
  • Consider the house in your birth chart where Mercury in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces are transiting to gain insights into the specific areas of life that may be impacted during this transit.
  • Adapt your communication style to align with the challenges and opportunities presented by the square between Mercury and Saturn, finding a balance between structure and fluidity.

So far, we’ve looked at June 15 from the perspective of traditional Western astrology. What what about Vedic astrology?

June 15 from the perspective of Jyotish

On June 15, a significant event is also occurring in Jyotish/the sidereal zodiac: Sankranti. Sankranti marks the transition of the Sun from one zodiac sign to another — since the sidereal zodiac is 23 degrees behind the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology, this is the transition from the Sun in Taurus into Gemini.

Sankranti represents a temporary disruption or lapse in the energy, making it unfavorable for initiating new endeavors. Activities started during this time may encounter challenges or obstacles along the way.

It is therefore advisable to exercise caution and avoid making important decisions or taking significant actions during Sankranti. Instead, it is considered more appropriate to engage in introspection, observe, and reflect. This period serves as an opportunity to prepare, plan, and gain clarity before embarking on new ventures.

While the specific aspect between Mercury in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, as described earlier, may not be emphasized in the context of Vedic astrology, the occurrence of Sankranti on this day adds an additional astrological consideration. It reminds us to exercise prudence and refrain from initiating major projects during this inauspicious period — and wait out any frustration we might feel, especially regarding communication.



Good Stars Vedic Astrology

Astrologer Michelle R. Dean writes about the wonders and healing powers of Jyotish (Vedic astrology).