Five Reasons Why You’re Feeling #done

Rebecca Nanako Nance
3 min readJun 28, 2017


We all know what it feels like to roll out of bed like a limp burrito and wish more than anything that we could sleep for 17 more hours. Or 217. (Raises hand.)

And if you are like me on those days, then no amount of coffee/power shots/pep talks/OJ/inspirational music will get you going.

So why are you so tired? In today’s world, we live to accomplish more and push ourselves to the max: work harder, earn more money, take more assignments, stay up later, push yourself harder, socialize more, and go go go.

This lifestyle is the perfect opportunity for utter exhaustion.

When we are functioning constantly under higher stress levels and not taking ample time to refuel and refresh our bodies, it takes a major toll. Sure, maybe in the moment we power through the chaos of the day, but as soon as we stop, our bodies feel the deprivation and shut down. It’s that “fight or flight mode” kicking in.

Here are the five top reasons so many of us are feeling #done:

  1. Not enough sleep: And I don’t mean packing in a solid seven to eight hours via a series of naps — I mean going to bed at a consistent time (when it gets dark) and waking up at a consistent time (when it’s light out). Ever heard of that thing called “circadian rhythm”? It’s important!
  2. Increased stress levels: Increased stress means increased cortisol (the stress hormone). And you know what that can lead to? A weaker immune system and weight gain. Not fun.
  3. Poor diet: Obviously, our bodies require nutrients to keep going — but what many people don’t know is that our bodies require a careful balance of proteins, minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates in order to balance hormones (this includes men! don’t let the word “hormone” scare you off), which in turn affect countless aspects of our bodies: our brain function, digestion, emotions…the list goes on and on.
  4. High-fructose corn syrup: Okay, this one technically fits under the “poor diet” category, but I think it’s important enough to have it’s own paragraph. Do you know why? Because high-fructose corn syrup messes you up. It can lead to obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, and high blood pressure. And this man-made, magical ingredient is in everything because it’s sweeter and cheaper than natural sugar. Manufacturers add this ingredient to their products in order to make it taste better, which then makes you want to buy more, and most of the time you never know that you’re eating it because you don’t look very closely at the ingredients list. I’m not kidding when I say you should always read the ingredients list.
  5. You’re not taking time to rest: I know this one is hard, but it’s vitally important. Your body and your mind need a chance to slow down, lower those cortisol levels, decrease the heart rate, and prepare itself for whatever comes next. Find an activity that will increase those positive hormones and neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, estrogen, and progesterone. These hormones help with mediating stress levels, boosting your mood, and can even help you sleep better. So go for a run, get a massage, spend time with your loved ones…just do something you love!

You don’t have to keep living each day in a groggy state of exhaustion! Listen to your body, be intentional about your health, and sooner than you know, that #done feeling will be a thing of the past!

