PinnedAs I delve into the fashion industry’s complex landscape, the relevance of the Met Gala in today’s…Anna Wintour, known for her calculated moves, strategically distances herself from controversial figures like Kanye West, earning approval…May 15, 2023May 15, 2023
PinnedLMAFOAcrylic paint on wood panel. 48 in. x 48 in. From the “Motion Picture Paintings” series.Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
PinnedHappily Ever After?Derrick Adams’ solo exhibition at The Flag Art Foundation in Chelsea showcased his new series, “Motion Picture Paintings,” which explores…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Why Archiving Matters: Legacy, Wealth, and VisionIn the entertainment world, clients often ask me, “What is an archive, and why does it matter?” The answer lies in legacy, generational…Jan 5Jan 5
Terma and the Art of Archiving: Uncovering Hidden Treasures Across TimeIn Tibetan Buddhism, terma (གཏེར་མ་) refers to “hidden treasure” — wisdom teachings or objects deliberately concealed by masters like…Dec 26, 2024Dec 26, 2024
The Number of MemoriesI have over 20,000 contacts in my cell phone. Honestly, I don’t know how that happened, but it seems that from my first phone — a Nokia…Jul 15, 2024Jul 15, 2024
Happy April Fool’s Day ?Today, amidst the lightheartedness of April Fool’s Day, an Instagram post brought attention to the somber reality of our current state of…Apr 2, 2024Apr 2, 2024
KILL BILL: A Feminist Allegory and the tale of the Hero CoatKill Bill is a feminist allegory, a fairytale of a woman finding her inner child. Some of you are calling bullshit right now. Consider that…Jan 1, 2023Jan 1, 2023
Coffee and Kill BillIt all started with getting a coffee. I was in the West Village in a Starbucks, chatting with a clerk I knew about the actor Samuel…Oct 31, 2022Oct 31, 2022