Minimalism Meets Gen Z: Intentional Living Revolutionizes Lifestyles

Rebecca Sunday Ufot-Ayoola
11 min readJul 18, 2023


Gen Z may embrace minimalism after considering the benefits it brings

Image generated by the author

With minimalism becoming increasingly trendy in recent years, especially among older generations, it could not have the same impact on Generation Z. This generation was born in the digital era and is known for their propensity for self-expression and individuality.

Whether minimalism would meet Gen Z is yet to be seen as they tend to embrace maximalism more. The maximalist movement, which values diversity and abundance, gives Gen Z a forum to express their identities and infuse their surroundings with life and creativity.

If Gen Z comes to embrace minimalism they can live simpler lives, and make space for the genuinely important things which will ultimately lead to a more purposeful and happy lifestyle.

How Old Are Members of Generation Z?

Generation Z comprises people between the ages of 11 and 26 who were born between 1997 and 2012. Due to their upbringing in an age where cutting-edge technology was widely accessible, this generation is known for being digital natives.

Generation Z was born into a world that had a fully functional internet, unlike generations before them. They are frequently referred to as "digital natives" because of their intrinsic comfort and familiarity with technology.

Generation Z benefits from living in a culture that, in comparison to earlier generations, has a better understanding of physical and mental healthcare. They also have access to more opportunities than before, ones that cut over conventional social barriers.

Generation Z is spending more time with electronics and less time with people throughout the world.

What Do Members of Gen Z Value In Life?

The principles of Generation Z go beyond the individual. They want everyone to have the freedom to be who they truly are.

1. In comparison to other generations, having a good career, paying for college, facing discrimination themselves, or their relationships with significant others, concerns Gen Zs. And more than half of Gen Zs are concerned about others being treated unfairly.

2. Making a lot of money is not as important to Gen Z as having a fulfilling profession. Notably, Gen Zers' priority of earning a lot of money in their employment has decreased from EY’s last report (32% vs. 38%). Additionally, they are more likely to wish to change the world (39 vs. 33%) and look for jobs where they can make a difference.

3. Gen Z is socially minded at a relatively young age and is passionate about social justice concerns, unlike previous generations who developed strong feelings for social causes. They strongly support and believe in equality.

4. Consumption for Generation Z is having access to goods or services rather than purchasing them outright. What is valuable to Gen Z is access to software as a service (SaaS) subscriptions like Adobe Cloud, streaming media subscriptions like Prime and Netflix, and streaming automobile services like Lyft and Uber.

5. Technology is crucial to Generation Z. A survey by Laserfiche of 1,000 Gen Zers in Britain between the ages of 21 and 24 revealed that 20% of them had left their jobs due to the "useless technology" they had to use.

The research also showed that 66% of Gen Z thinks their personal technology at home is superior to what they use at work, which is a surprise finding given that so many businesses survived the epidemic thanks to digital transformation.

According to a Deloitte survey, Gen Z values money less than any other generation, even yet compensation is still the most crucial consideration when choosing a career. Gen Z was actually evenly divided over the decision to accept a job that pays more but is dull vs one that pays less but is more exciting.

6. The majority of Gen Z’s time is spent on social media, in online games, and in virtual worlds, where they make friends, express themselves, and forge their identities. Additionally, it is where they go to get social affirmation for what they do both outside and online (likes, comments, and followers).

Additionally, they share their views and beliefs with their friends on social media. Gen Z celebrates a wide range of distinctive characteristics, such as neurodiversity, body types and sizes, gender expression, and racial diversity.

7. According to Aneesh Dhawan, CEO of Knit, a Gen Z insights platform and provider of video feedback solutions, the sense of self-expression that Gen Z has influenced the choices of the businesses they support.

“With a unique approach to self-expression and identity and as the most ethnically diverse generation, Gen Z is a group that thrives on celebrating differences while maintaining a strong sense of individuality. Their purchasing decisions are simply an organic extension of this self-expression. This is why we see 89% of Gen Zers choosing to shop from brands that are socially and environmentally conscious."

They represent the most diverse generation in the history of the country as a whole, and they have a strong sense of responsibility for social and environmental issues.

8. Racial and gender equality are at the top of the list of issues that Generation Z is concerned with. In addition, Gen Z is worried about the effects of climate change and what it might mean for them in the future.

What Challenges Does Gen Z Face in Daily Life?

While Generation Z may have a bright future in terms of entrepreneurial potential and inventive employment, they also face a number of previously unheard-of difficulties.

1. Financial Uncertainty

With growing competition, mounting student loan debt, and few job possibilities, a large number of Gen Z people are entering the job market now. Economic downturns like the COVID-19 epidemic and the 2008 financial crisis have made these problems much worse.

2. Environmental Issues And Climate Change

Generation Z was born during a time when these topics received a lot of media attention. They frequently bear the burden of a future affected by climate change and are becoming more and more conscious of the environmental difficulties the globe faces.

3. Mental Health Problems

Anxiety, depression, and loneliness have become more prevalent in Gen Z. These are influenced by elements like academic pressure, social media impact, and a world that is changing quickly.

4. Online Presence And Social Media

Generation Z has grown up with social media as a major aspect of their lives. Despite the potential it gives, there are drawbacks as well, including cyberbullying, online abuse, the culture of comparison, and the need to maintain a polished online appearance.

5. Gen Z is under pressure to do well in school because there is more competition for college admissions and employment possibilities. In addition, many people are financially burdened by the rising expense of education and student loan debt.

6. Social Problems And Political Polarization

Generation Z is observing escalating social differences and political polarization. They frequently take an active role in social justice movements, activism, and the promotion of issues that are important to them, however, this can sometimes produce problems and disagreements with other people.

7. Technology And Information Overload

Generation Z is the first to have grown up with cellphones and rapid access to a wealth of information, leading to a technology and information overload. While there are many advantages to this, it can also result in information overload, bogus news, and trouble telling trustworthy sources apart.

8. Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity

Gen Z supports cultural variety and inclusivity, and they are frequently at the forefront of questioning established norms and promoting equality. However, individuals continue to experience structural obstacles and prejudice based on their color, gender, sexual orientation, and other characteristics.

It's crucial to remember that while these difficulties are frequent, not every member of Generation Z will face them. The particular obstacles that people confront can be strongly influenced by their socioeconomic backgrounds, cultural surroundings, and personal circumstances.

Minimalism Meets Generation Z

In recent years, minimalism, a philosophy based on the adage "less is more," has attracted a lot of attention. It promotes a more straightforward way of life by highlighting the significance of putting an emphasis on memorable experiences rather than acquiring things that won’t last.

While minimalism has appealed to people of all ages, questions remain about whether it will appeal to Generation Z.

Gen Z offers an intriguing viewpoint on minimalism because of their own take on life and style. Although minimalism's guiding principles may be consistent with the idea of simplicity, this generation is innately attracted to self-expression and uniqueness. As a result, they might not be interested in the minimalist lifestyle, which places a focus on eliminating excess and adhering to a particular aesthetic.

Gen Z prefers to stand apart from earlier generations, especially millennials, rather than following established standards. By establishing their individual identities through distinctive tastes and preferences, they work to forge their own paths.

This need for personal expression frequently conflicts with the minimalist worldview, which they may find to be constrictive and devoid of the diversity they want.

Maximalism has become more popular as an option among Generation Z. Instead than emphasizing less, maximalism subscribes to the adage "more is more." In order to provide visually arresting and attention-grabbing aesthetics, this design strategy mixes diverse aspects such as shapes, colors, tones, and textures.

The 2020 pandemic's effect on society as a whole may be responsible for Gen Z's predilection for maximalism.

By embracing maximalism, Generation Z creates a lively environment that accurately portrays their dynamic personalities. They value the chance to develop their distinctive trends and try out daring fashion choices. In a society that frequently encourages uniformity, maximalism gives Generation Z a way to express themselves and break free from the minimalist mold.

How Gen Z Can Embrace Minimalism

Generation Z can gain a lot by adopting a minimalist lifestyle, including less stress, financial savings, and a more environmentally friendly way of living. The following advice will assist them in developing a minimalist mindset:

1. Consider Their Guiding Principles

Generation Z can embrace minimalism by stopping and thinking about what is most important to them. Minimalism emphasizes putting the things that make you happy and fulfilled first while removing clutter and distractions. The idea is to recognize their guiding principles and adjust their way of life accordingly.

2. Physical Space Organization

Decluttering their living space is an excellent place to start. Gen Z is capable of doing a critical evaluation of their possessions to evaluate whether each one adds to their happiness or serves a function. Getting rid of needless items and retaining only what is required or significant might be good.

3. Adopt a Modest Wardrobe

Gen Z can embrace minimalism by streamlining their looks and going for a minimalist look. They should spend their money on timeless, adaptable pieces that can be mixed and matched rather than trying to keep up with passing trends. This strategy helps the fashion sector become more sustainable while also reducing decision fatigue and cost.

4. Accept Digital Solutions

Generation Z should actively look for digital substitutes to lessen paper usage. Reduce waste and make the most of available space by using productivity software to organize, save important papers digitally, and choose e-books and online subscriptions over printed ones.

5. Consuming Mindfully

Members of Generation Z should think about whether a purchase is consistent with their values and fulfills a genuine need before buying it.

They should refrain from making impulsive purchases and consider an item's long-term value. They may lessen waste and help create a more sustainable environment by being deliberate with their consumption.

6. Experiences Over Possessions

Generation Z embraces minimalism by placing more emphasis on generating meaningful experiences than on acquiring material possessions. They can invest in their personal development, spend time with loved ones, and experience the outdoors. It’s critical to value the interactions and experiences that make their life richer.

7. Reducing Digital Distractions

Minimalism extends into the digital sphere in addition to physical goods. By organizing their social media feeds, unsubscribing from pointless emails, and setting screen time limits, Generation Z should take charge of their digital lives. The goal is to embrace thoughtful technology use and place an emphasis on in-person interactions.

8. Developing a more detached relationship with belongings and letting go of attachments are key components of minimalism. Gen Z has to understand that experiences and memories are more valuable than things. It is necessary to cultivate thankfulness for what one already has and to let go of the want to always acquire more.

9. Age Z should think about sharing their resources and giving back to the community as they adopt minimalism. They can support causes they care about, volunteer their time, or donate things they no longer need. They can contribute to the happiness of others, achieve contentment, and fulfill their purpose by being generous.

Minimalism has benefits that go beyond self-expression. Living a modest lifestyle can lessen the effects of economic hardships and rising inflation rates at this time. Gen Zs may be able to counteract the consequences of increased living expenses by concentrating on core demands and cutting back on superfluous expenditures.

Embracing minimalism frees Generation Z from the demands of materialism, allowing them to put an emphasis on experiences and invest in long-term contentment.

How Gen Z Can Benefit From Simple and Intentional Living

Gen Z has an opportunity to escape the overwhelming complexity of modern life and find consolation in what matters by simplifying their lives and making deliberate decisions.

Numerous advantages that improve their general well-being and clear the way for a more fruitful future are gained from adopting a simple living philosophy.

The decrease in overwhelm and stress is a big benefit of simplicity for Generation Z. High expectations, continual information overload, and social media comparisons can all be detrimental to mental health. Gen Z will be able to stand back from the cacophony and concentrate on what actually makes them happy and fulfilled if they embrace simplicity.

It is possible to feel calm, clear, and at peace of mind by decluttering physical places, streamlining daily activities, and leading an intentional lifestyle.

Additionally, intentional living gives Generation Z the power to take charge of their time and energy. The capacity to prioritize and concentrate becomes essential in a world where there are many demands and diversions.

The Gen Z generation can reclaim their time and devote it to pursuits that are in line with their beliefs and passions by cutting out pointless obligations, practicing mindful technology use, and setting limits. The pursuit of meaningful experiences and personal development is encouraged by this newfound independence, which results in a more fulfilling existence.

Gen Z can also gain financially from simplicity. By adopting a minimalist lifestyle, they can lower their debt, save money, and free themselves from mindless materialism.

The emphasis is now on purchasing high-quality products that will last over time rather than amassing material belongings. Gen Z can achieve financial stability and freedom by practicing conscious consumption and being aware of their spending patterns. This will allow them to follow their goals and desires free from the constraints of excessive materialism.

Further, purposeful living encourages environmental awareness and sustainability. By adopting sustainable behaviors, Gen Z, who are renowned for their dedication to social and environmental problems, may have a huge impact. A healthier earth and community are made possible by reducing waste, embracing eco-friendly alternatives, and making deliberate decisions.

Final Thoughts

While it’s vital to recognize that Generation Z may not currently embrace minimalism in large numbers, it’s as important to keep in mind that generational preferences might change over time.

The attitudes of Gen Z members regarding minimalism may shift as they become older and learn to deal with the challenges of life. Although maximalism is currently their interest, minimalism may someday meet Generation Z. They may come to see the benefits of minimalism and adopt it as a way of life.

