Growing Gratitude

Why growing in gratitude is worth the effort

Rebekah B
2 min readJun 27, 2022
Photo by Zoki Photo on Unsplash

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. If only we could have it in the present. It is like the mountain top view after a strenuous hike.

But, gratitude…

Gratitude is the moment you paused on the trail to admire the purple crocus pushing through the leaves — holding the budding promise that winter is at an end, and spring is here.

I am sure that most of us could agree, that we could all create more space in our lives to pause and breathe. In the hustle of day-to-day life, it is easy for stress and tension to build.

Sometimes we get so caught up in reaching the summit, that we forget to notice the beauty around us.

If you have not taken the time to build a habit of gratitude, I encourage you to do it. It is not something you will regret.

It is just like when you buy a new car, you start seeing the same make and model everywhere you drive. The number of people driving that car suddenly increase. Instead, you are just more aware of it because of what is now in your possession.

For gratitude, the more your practice it, the more you recognize things in your life to be grateful for.

With that said, I encourage you to take a moment today to think of a few things that have happened in the last 24 hours that you are grateful for. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and be grateful for your journey.

Write it down.

Thank you.

If it is something you would like to share in the comments, I would love to read what you wrote!

~Rebekah B.



Rebekah B

Nurse, writer, ex-pat in Thailand, mother, and wife. I write about life lessons, nursing, health & wellness, parenting, & travel.