Misconceptions about SADI-S/SIPS surgery

Dr Ravi Rao
2 min readSep 6, 2023

SADI-S surgery (Single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal Bypass with Sleeve gastrectomy) also known as SIPS (Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing) is an effective weight loss procedure that is proven to improve the quality of life.

However, like any medical procedure, there can be misconceptions about this procedure as well. Let us address some of the common misconceptions.

  • SADI-S/SIPS is like any other Gastric bypass surgery.

This surgery is distinct from other bypass procedures such as Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RNYGB) or the One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB) for the fact that it preserves the pylorus, the muscular valve that holds food and controls its release into the small intestine. The preservation of pylorus reduces the risk of malnutrition and diarrhea, helps absorb more nutrients from the food intake and avoids the dumping syndrome.

  • The procedure guarantees permanent weight loss

The surgery is an effective solution to get rid of excess fat and minimize the risks associated with obesity. However, surgery alone does not guarantee permanent weight loss. Patients need to adhere to strict lifestyle changes including dietary modifications, regular exercise regimen to get the best weight loss results post-surgery and maintain them over a long period of time.

  • SIPS surgery is suitable for everyone

Like other weight loss surgeries, SADI-S/SIPS is also not suitable for everyone. It requires a thorough evaluation of the factors including BMI, overall health status, medical history, previous weight loss attempts etc., to qualify for the surgery. Only a bariatric surgeon and his team can together determine the most suitable procedure for each individual.

  • The procedure brings about only cosmetic changes

Like other weight loss surgeries, SADI-S/SIPS can result in aesthetic improvements, but the primary goal is to help obese individuals achieve weight loss that can reduce obesity-related health risks and improve overall health. While opting for the surgery, obese patients should focus on health improvements rather than on appearance alone.

  • SIPS is a risk-free procedure

Like all bariatric surgeries, SADI-S/SIPS also carries risks and potential complications including infection, bleeding, leaks and other adverse reactions. It is crucial to discuss the benefits and risks of the surgery with the healthcare provider and be aware of the fact that no procedure is completely risk-free. It is also important to choose a surgeon with extensive knowledge and experience in handling the procedure to avoid complications and get the best outcomes.

To avoid all misunderstandings about SADI-S/SIPS, it is important to discuss and understand all the pros and cons of the surgery with your healthcare provider.



Dr Ravi Rao

Minimal Invasive Surgeon Advanced Laparoscopy and Bariatrics.