Understanding SIPS/SADI-S as a fast-growing #bariatricprocedure
#SIPS (Stomach Intestinal Pylorus-Sparing Surgery) or the #SADI-S (Single Anastomosis Duodenal-ileal Bypass with #sleevegastrectomy ) is a relatively new yet popular bariatric procedure within the medical community. It is preferred over other bypasses and is a fast-growing bariatric procedure as it offers the best quality of life.
Let’s look at some of its prominent benefits-
As the Pylorus is preserved there shall be no rise and fall of blood sugar, BP, and Quality of Life index better than the sleeve
- Provides durable long-term and excellent weight loss with superior comorbidity resolution. One can eat and drink like the sleeve, if not better!
- Promotes lasting weight loss while maintaining adequate small bowel length for nutritional absorption
- Lowest long-term complications as compared to any other procedures
- Lower risk of micronutrient deficiencies compared to any other Duodenal switch surgery
- Loop Anastomosis technique has decreased operative time & post-operative complications
- No bile reflux
- No marginal ulcers or anastomotic complications
- Patients with diabetes witness high remission rates
- No dumping syndrome
- Fastest recovery post-surgery
- Patients experience upto 80% excess weight loss during the first year of the surgery
- Combines benefits of sleeve and bypass. Avoids the long-term complications of #gastricbypass like dumping syndrome, anastomotic ulcers, internal hernias causing intestinal obstruction etc.
The SIPS/SADI-S is emerging as the most effective treatment for those who are morbidly obese for its best long-term outcomes.