How COVID-19 helped me earn 5 figures in 30 days

4 min readMay 5, 2020


A brief journey of self-improvement

It happens rarely that something globally impacts the lives of everybody. There is a flooding in the whole internet about Corona Virus affecting all areas of economy and society. Thus I don’t want to dwell further onto this topic and move straight to the point about how COVID-19 actually improved myself.

Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.

-Bob Riley

Do what’s right and not what’s easy

When difficult times come, and they usually do, it is within ourselves that we must make a decision. The decision is rather a simple one, yet a deeper meaning hides underneath it. It all comes down to whether we accept our faith and be a victim of hard times or overcome it and reveal a new self.

The answer seems easy, right? It is.

Nonetheless the majority of us choose to be a victim, instead of fighting to overcome it. This moment is absolutely crucial in changing yourself, to reveal yourself and become stronger. While this may seem obvious and trivial to most of us…think of it…people often prefer to do what’s easy and not what’s right.

Those thoughts were all mine when Corona crisis hit the world and among millions around the world I lost my job. To rely on the government to support me wasn’t really an option to me, since I am more the type of person to take action, rather than to wait for “things to get better”.

Adaption is key

So, as devastating and frustrating this was, I had to make a decision and decided to adapt myself to the new circumstances. I began rethinking my time management, since I was “free” and had more free time than usually.

Secondly, I reviewed myself and opportunities and put them on paper. Furthermore I made reading books a priority and a new habit. This was where I stumbled across “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, which provided me with the motivation and questions about myself and what I can do to improve myself.

The importance of taking action

After 2 weeks, I already felt the change within myself and knew, that doing nothing with my newly achieved knowledge about myself, was a mere waste of time and resources.

Due to the fact, that there was a strict quarantine in my country, it was clear to me that I had to generate income with the internet. I had a bunch of educational health videos laying on my external disk already for a while. Although the quality wasn’t really state of the art, I decided to make a go at it and try to sell them.

Trying out something new

As straight forward as this sounds, as hard was it to find the right solution that fitted me. YouTube wasn’t an option to me, because I wanted my video content to be sold exclusively in a kind of portal, just like Netflix. I am a huge fan of Netflix and I really just wanted something similar.

Before I gave up all hopes, I finally found a startup on Producthunt, which provided exactly what I was looking for. A fully maintained and serviced platform to stream videos on your own website.

Sounded too good to be true.

As a matter of fact, after contacting their team, based in Europe, I reassured myself that it had everything I needed and that coding wasn’t needed.

Despite the fact, that I am more that guy who prefers established companies and services like Google, AirBnB and so on, I decided to give “Appic.Video” a try. Everything worked as promise and the setup and uploading videos was super easy and incredibly fast.

Checking in everyday how the sales was going I was glad to see that sales were going up and after 14 days I hit the 10.000 € mark. 3 weeks later I reached 22.534 € in gross income.

Recalling my lessons learned I would summarize them as followed:

  • Do what’s right, not what’s easy
  • Know yourself
  • Make reading a priority
  • Find your own way
  • Trust new companies and give them a chance

Please let me know if you want to read more about my journey and in case you are interested in offering your videos up for sale, I highly recommend Appic.Video. Thank you!

