Swark: Ark Payment Gateway for Shopware

1 min readMay 12, 2019


A new Ark payment integration is released: Swark. Swark is a payment integration for Shopware which is funded by the ACF (Ark Community Fund).
The plugin provides the ability to pay with Ark in Shopware.

What is Shopware?

Shopware is a modular e-commerce system which is open source as well. To get more information about Shopware visit their official website.

Useful Links

What are the next steps?

The plugin will be published to the official Shopware Community store in the next days and will be free to use forever.
There are already a few open Github issues which include new features and some already known not critical bugs.
You can find them here: https://github.com/reConNico/swark/issues. Everyone can help to improve this project. Just reach out to me on Github or the official Ark Slack: reconnico (arkworld).

